
Dad Puts On Pants Hands-Free While Holding Baby

by Emma Lord

The most impressive feat of dad badassery I have ever seen was during the pilot episode of Once Upon A Time when Prince Charming casually grabbed his infant daughter out of Snow's womb with one hand while holding a sword in the other, and defeated a gaggle of villainous henchmen without breaking a sweat. Today, however, my awe for Prince Charming has been topped by another man: This dad who puts his pants on with no hands while holding a baby. Of all of the things humankind has accomplished, this one has to be among the most impressive.

This dad isn't just an inspiration to parents, but to humans everywhere. He has proven that anything is possible, as long as you believe in yourself and as long as someone has the forethought to narrate your life with "The Final Countdown" playing in the background. In the harrowing minute and a half of his struggle, there are several dire moments (just like any worthy blockbuster film) where you are certain our hero won't succeed, but he defies the odds time and again, shimmying into a pair of pants while holding an infant who has been on earth just long enough to learn how to silently judge his parents for being ridiculous.

Image: YouTube