Scott Disick's 'American Psycho' Is Insanely Faithful

This week came the long-awaited release of Kanye West's American Psycho reboot video featuring Kim Kardashian's brother-in-law, Scott Disick. The video — which is a promotional tool for West's upcoming album, Yeezus, is definitely weird, yes, but it's also downright impressive.
Now, anyone who saw Disick dress up as American Psycho's Patrick Bateman for Halloween in 2012 would have no doubts that the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star could pull off the famed Christian Bale character written by Bret Easton Ellis. (Really, anyone who's watched a second of the reality star's detached nature would have no doubts he could pull off Christian Bale.) But who knew he could pull him off this well.
Just see screengrabs from the original American Psycho scene that inspired West's video, and compare them to Disick's version (which, should be noted, is curiously much lower in quality than the 2000 original):
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Christian Bale
Scott Disick
Okay, who else is spooked?
Image: Lions Gate