Now, THIS is How to Respond to an Oscar Snub

Regardless of how much you might've convinced yourself that awards don't matter, being snubbed by the Oscars has got to hurt. Sure, Selma can take pride in all its Golden Globe nominations, and Jennifer Aniston can now add "serious actress" to her resume, but when everyone's expecting you to garner a nomination from the Academy, there's no way that getting the shaft doesn't take a toll. Yet while some passed-over contenders might be mourning their losses with tears, anger, and the firing of publicists, a select few have taken the opportunity to directly respond, whether with sincerity, humor, or a perfectly fitting gif.
Just look at how Phil Lord, one of the directors of The Lego Movie, decided to deal with his movie's unexpected snub on Thursday morning. Sure, he could've joined in on the Internet's tearing apart of the Academy for ignoring his beloved film, but the filmmaker chose to go another route. Instead of reacting with sadness or anger, he decided to use the opportunity to get a few laughs — by creating his own Oscar, made, fittingly, out of Legos, and sharing it with his Lego-loving followers. Tweeted Lord:
Genius, right? Lord followed up with a more serious post, congratulating the film's cast and crew and terming the snub "not a tragedy," but it's his first response that's clearly the best. The Lego Movie's shut-out was certainly a disappointment, but its creator's response was nothing but a win.
Although Lord may be the only snubbed nominee who used Legos to channel his feelings, several other contenders took to Twitter to display their own reactions in equally memorable ways. There was Best Director snub Ava Duvernay's eloquent, graceful post, which acknowledged the momentous day on which the nominations occurred:
Jessica Chastain, a contender for Best Supporting Actress, chose to thank her fans for their support:
Chaz Ebert, widow of the late Roger Ebert and major force behind Life Itself, his non-nominated documentary, wrote a moving blog post about the film's value regardless of Oscar's opinion:
Twitter itself even responded, consoling both Chastain and fellow acting snub David Oyelowo with a fitting gif from their movie, A Most Violent Year:
But the best reaction of all wasn't even from a person nominated this year:
Sorry, Al Brooks, but I think it's too late to change their minds.