Wow… just, wow. Viewers have been speculating for months now about the possible AHS connections that exist between Asylum and Freak Show ever since Pepper came back into the picture. And thanks to Wednesday night's episode "Show Stoppers," we discovered another underlying thread to the two seasons in the form of (drum roll, please!)… Dr. Arden. That's right, folks. As the promos suggested, the Axeman has cometh once more (though he's known as Massimo this season) and with him a story of the mastermind behind who cut off Elsa's legs: Dr. Arden, though Masimo knew him back then as Hans Gruper.
You see, Massimo had fallen in love with Elsa while helping her recover from her lost limbs, and decided to seek justice on those who had hurt her so terribly. And while he'd been successful in tracking every single one of them down, when it came to their ring leader, Hans Gruper, his ax (yes, that was fittingly his weapon of choice) proved to be no match for the devilish doc's gun. Dr. Arden captured and tortured the poor man for God knows how long until he could no longer feel anything… not even love. And the only reason he survived was because Arden's superior wanted a set of bookshelves. (See kids? Reading saves lives!)
So there you have it, folks. Looks like Shelley wasn't the first pair of legs Dr. Arden's ever sawed off. (Though that really shouldn't surprise any of us.) Either way, it's great to see another AHS connection come out of the woodwork, especially when it involves one of the series' most terrifying villains. Happy nightmares, everyone!
Images: FX; Wifflegif