This Senator's Boots Made A Statement, Literally

Well, this is one way to express yourself through fashion — literally. Texas State Senator Konni Burton took office yesterday in a pair of cowboy boots, and they weren't just your average Western footwear. Burton (R), who's representing Tarrant County's Senate District 10, proudly wore boots emblazoned with the phrase "Stand For Life" as she took the Texas Senate floor for the first time yesterday.
The customization is a reflection of Burton's firm opposition to abortion. This is in contrast to the now-famous pink running shoes that Senator Wendy Davis, District 10's previous senator, wore during her landmark 11-hour filibuster to block an extremely restrictive bill on abortion. “No more pink shoe drama for SD 10!" Burton declared on her Facebook page alongside a photo of the boots.
On her decision to wear the boots, Burton, who was endorsed by Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, told the Star-Telegram, "I will defend life. I wanted to get that message out. I thought it was very important. It’s a new day in the district.”
As someone who believes that every woman should have the right to make her own choice on the matter, I don't exactly agree with the statement, but wearing the boots was an admittedly interesting move by Burton. What's that Voltaire quote again? Oh, yes: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Especially when you're saying it with fashion.
Images: Twitter/@BradMattes, @ProLifePolitics, @startelegram