There are some things in my life that I have come to accept will never be tidy, and chief among them is my bookshelf. Even when the rest of my room is neat as a pin, there exists this corner of it where my bookshelf lives in a constant state of complete chaos. The few times I have gotten ambitious enough to clean it—or, dare I say, even attempt to organize it—I've ended up getting distracted by the very books I'm trying to put away, and suddenly I'm sitting on the floor with a decade-old copy of Sailor Moon manga between my knees. Even if my bookshelf ever does get organized, the fragile equilibrium of it usually falls apart within 24 hours.
Because this is an area of my life where I have failed so spectacularly in the past, I especially am gobsmacked by people who not only organized their bookshelves, but made art out of them. There is something so satisfying about seeing a good bookshelf that no amount of combined Pinterest feels from other areas of household organization can give you. And the best thing is that your #bookshelfgoals don't have to be aspirational: There are some truly stunning bookshelves you probably have room for in your own home. Here are some ideas to get the juices flowing (or the board pinning):
1. Floating Book Rack
(Available on Etsy!)
2. Book Staircase
3. Book Nook
4. Spiral Shelf
(Available on Etsy, too!)
5. Tree Shelf
6. TARDIS Bookshelf
7. Trailing Spiral Bookshelf
(Available on Etsy.)
8. Bookshelf Chair
(Available on Etsy.)
9. Sunrise Shelf
(Available on Etsy.)
10. Book Bed
(Although this might be hazardous that one time you need to fish 1984 out from under you and set the whole thing toppling down. Book readers are natural born risk-takers.)
11. Bubble Bookshelf
(Available on Etsy.)
12. Book Pillar
This might not be the safest thing to attempt in a two story home, but no doubt you have enough books to at least give it a try.
13. Twisty Shelf
(Available on Etsy.)
14. Book Tunnel
15. Perpendicular Books
16. Honeycomb Bookshelf
(Available on Etsy.)
17. READ Bookshelf
Subtlety isn't in our nature.
Images: Imgur; OldandCold, briannakufa (2), TheLibraryChair, EdoryArtworks, KisskaltDesigns, WoodCurve, EOneyeofnature/Etsy, blaisethebaker, vanep013, briannakristian, lilita73, melbourneborn, bookstorebrowser, bookshelfporn_(2)/Instagram, rise804/Twitter