10 Valentine's Day Gifts for Your Significant Other That Work Double Duty, Because You Deserve Goodies Too
After a season filled with gift-giving, the last thing I want to do is buy more gifts, but alas February isn't far off, and there are Valentine's Day presents that need to be purchased. I know it's better to give than to receive and I should be #thankful and #grateful and #blessed to have someone to buy for, and blah, blah, blah, but I just don't have any more goodwill left in me. And every second that Valentine's Day draws nearer and nearer reminds me that I have to get over my gift-giving slump and find something — anything! — to get for my partner even though he got everything he asked for two months ago.
If you're single or involved, Valentine's Day is a huge pain. Some of us are still going through the process of trying to fit into the clothes we got for Christmas, while others keep finding stray tinsel hiding under the living room cushions. And now we're expected to buy more? Give me a break.
So what do you get for the guy who has everything? A little something for you both to enjoy. Here are 10 options you'll love.
Image: Etsy
Crystal-Clear Facial Cleanser
For years my boyfriend told me he “didn’t use” facial cleanser or any of the goodies I had stashed away in our bathroom, so it was a little surprising that I was going through my gear in half the time. Spoiler alert: Guys need (and like) facial cleansers too. Instead of spending a fortune on two separate sets, if you can swing it, get one you can share, like this Clarifying Facial Cleanser.
Clarifying Facial Exfoliant Rosewood & Patchouli, $35, Cold Spring Apothecary
Couple's Massages
Your man might love asking you for a back massage twice a week, but the gift that really keeps on giving is one that you can both enjoy. Pick a day, and book a bunch of services that you’ll both like, so while he unwinds you can relax in serenity. Not sure where to book? Try Groupon.
Image: Collin Parker/Flickr
Homemade Gin Kit
A fun craft you can both do together that won’t end in tears, an argument, or an overcooked lasagna? Alcohol. Pick a night, invite some friends over (or save this for a party of two), and whip together some of the best Gin Rickey’s around. You’ll have fun together — and even if you don’t, you’ll get drunk together. Score.
Homemade Gin Kit, $54, Pocketo
Cozy Getaway for Two
You may not have the money to escape winter completely, so why not make the most of the snowy season and head out somewhere off the grid? You’ll spend the weekend exploring, snoozing, and cozying up by the fire.
Image: Jerry Bowley/Flickr
GoPro Camera
A GoPro camera is the perfect way to record your crazy adventures together — no matter where they may take you.
GoPro Hero Action Camera, $129.99,
Tickets to the Big Game
OK, you might dread the thought of spending your Saturday afternoon watching guys in way too much gear tackle each other on ice, but your man, he loves rooting his head off while those guys try to rip each other’s heads off. Buy the tickets, save the date, and remember: the Bloody Marys are on him — because that’s something we can all look forward to.
Travel Bag
It’s a gender-neutral bag you can both use regardless of where you’re headed — and if you’re on separate trips, rock, paper, scissors is the best way to solve who gets to sport this Benson backpack around.
Benson Backpack, $74, Stone + Cloth
Dinner for Two With a Tasting Menu
It isn’t just women who love to be treated to five-star meals and electrifyingly-delicious desserts. Guys love the star treatment just as much as we do. To get the most bang for your buck, pick an exclusive neighborhood in your area, and make reservations for two with the tasting menu. You’ll reap the benefits of a stunning meal.
Image: J. Annie Wang/Flickr
Stunning Blanket
Some guys go crazy for a well-made blanket, and no one does well-made better than Woolrich. This Civil War Fort Sumpter Blanket won’t just stun as an accessory in your living room, it’ll also keep you (both) warm during all the chilly nights.
Civil War Fort Sumpter Blanket, $139, Woolrich