Oh my god, 'Bob's Burgers' Has Been Renewed!

Oh my god! It's been just announced that Bob's Burgers is coming back for a sixth season! That's right, friends, Fox has ordered another 22 episodes of the cult show, which that means 22 more episodes of bizarro humor, the eternal wisdom of Tina Belcher, and you know, burgers.
The show is truly the underdog of the Fox network, constantly getting shifted in different time slots, but generally sandwiched between the long-running American institution of The Simpsons and the 22-minutes-of-cut-away-gags show that is Family Guy. This even got lampooned in the crossover, which made a joke that the two shows were simply "carrying" them.
However this particular triumph is justified: last August Bob's Burgers won it's first Emmy award for Outstanding Animated Program. Which, just a friendly reminder, is an award Family Guy has yet to win in their several season run. Plus, I'm pretty sure neither Family Guy nor The Simpsons has a wildly popular live-action porno parody, but I'm not willing to investigate that.
My point is simply this: 2015 may shape up to be the year that Bob's Burgers dominates the famed animation domination block. After so many years of the same-old, same-old on Fox, you have to give props to the show for never fearing to be a little bit absurd.
Image: Fox, Giphy