11 American Girls Dolls' Outfits Ranked Because Seriously, Marie-Grace? Seriously. — PHOTOS
Not all American Girls are made equal. With the arrival of 2015's American Girl of the Year Grace Thomas, we reflect on the superiority of the original American Girl dolls in the enduring doll emporium. It's been almost three decades since Pleasant Company rolled out the its first American Girl characters and about two years since those characters shifted from exclusively historic to more modern. Meaning, there's no reason we shouldn't expect Francophile Grace to set various baking times on her iPhone.
With gadgets and animal sidekicks always evolving, so did overall fashion comprehension. Some girls inherently oozed class and poise with very on fleek get-ups, appropriate to their specific time period and setting, often even transcending to future decades. Others, well, they tried really hard. They committed to headwear with conviction and gave it an honest go. But, hey, tying fabric around your hair and head takes a little practice. It's OK, Samantha.
Let's review the heroic and catastrophic moments in American Girl fashion. The good (inventive braiding tactics, rich jewel tones, fluffy necklines), the bad (French Quarters-inspired pastry palette, touristy T-shirts), and the ugly (gingham really isn't for everyone). It's true: Judging people solely based on their clothing choice is fairly vapid and that's a good lesson to teach young girls (American Girls' intended audience, presumably) early on. But seriously, Marie-Grace? Are you even trying?
Image: *AGLights*/Flickr
11. Marie-Grace Gardner
Marie-Grace rests too heavily on her New Orleans origins with this ode to overly ornate pastries. We know you’re more creative than that, Marie-Grace. You saved a baby that one time, remember? Although she deserves props at least for that adventurous curls + no curls ‘do.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon
10. Samantha Parkington
Samantha joined the American Girl fold early. However, her senior status doesn’t lend much credibility to her style game. Chill with the relentless cool headwear, Samantha. We get it.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon
9. Grace Thomas
I really wish I loved 2015’s Girl of the Year’s style sensibilities more. But her whole premise involves visiting Paris and then falling in love with baking. She’s sporting a tee that proclaims, in French, that she loves Paris. Girl. That’s the equivalent to wearing a shirt of the band you’re seeing to the actual concert. Grace, we expected better from you.
Image: American Girl
8. Felicity Marriman
Colonial-era fireball Felicity Merriman rocks the hell out of lavender daywear. She complements the demure frills with a daring, sweeping ponytail. We just wish her lamb Posie made a quick appearance here.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon
7. Julie Albright
Julie’s a sprightly tomboy in ’70s-era America. So obvs she layers sassy light green tights with pirate-y sleeves and neckline after crushing it at basketball practice. What a typical Taurus.
Image: American Girl Crafts/Amazon
6. McKenna Brooks
Although 2012’s Girl of the Year McKenna calls Seattle home, her personal style falls far from grunge. Instead, she plays off her bright blue eyes with this equally azure, striped number. She’d likely benefit from a nice blunt bang, but there’s always room for improvement.
Image: American Girl/Amazon
5. Josefina Montoya
Young Mexican girl Josefina Montoya channels some major Frida Kahlo by weaving brightly colored blossoms in her jet black tresses. A bright, simple cinch belt adds shape to shy Josefina’s embroidered shift dress. The hip-bound leather pouch, however, most loudly proclaims, "No, it’s not totally weird my deceased mother’s sister married my widowed father." Because that’s super normal.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon
4. Kirsten Larson
O.G. American Girl Kirsten has—indisputably—the strongest braid game of all the franchise. The claustrophobic hardworker knows you can get get farm chores done and done well without sacrificing a suave coif. The plaid shawl lends a hint of modesty—she ain’t bragging about looking so fly.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon
3. Addy Walker
Addy has one of the heaviest stories in the whole dang series. She escaped slavery on a North Carolina plantation with her mother to start a new life in Philly. Regardless, she wastes zero time in getting suited up in this polished salmon pink number. Plus, those hoop earrings.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon
2. Cécile Rey
Cécile pays some serious Dionne in Clueless homage here with that bold black and rose accent combo (especially when she adds a hat). We approve. Only complaint here is that she never bothered sharing fashion advice with alleged BFF Marie-Grace while running wild across 1850s New Orleans.
Image: American Girl/Amazon
1. Rebecca Rubin
Beckie, daughter of Russian immigrants and a real crochet extraordinaire, dreams of becoming an actress. She has a serious penchant for acting older than she actually is, a fact well reflected in this particular ensemble. Those white saddle boots are fire and make her look at least 14. We applaud such gonads, which is why Rebecca ranks No. 1 on this very scientific list.
Image: American Girl Editors/Amazon