Make Your Hair Grow Faster With These Vitamins

So you want to grow longer hair. Even though it's mostly just a waiting game, there are actually a number of things you can do to ensure that your hair grows at the maximum possible rate. Of course, there's the making sure to get regular trims so split ends don't make your hair appear as if it's not growing. You can also try to limit damaging habits such as chemical treatments, heat styling, and even braiding hair. But sometimes the most help can come from something a little more basic— your health.
If the length you seek is just not happening, look to your daily intake of vitamins and minerals. Keeping a relatively healthy diet is a major player in healthy hair growth, as those nutrients are just as beneficial for your hair as they are for the rest of your body. But if you feel like you're just not getting all you need, try incorporating a multivitamin or individual vitamin supplement into your daily diet. These will provide some extra help to get more length and strength from your hair. If you prefer to go the natural route though, here are some of the most important vitamins and minerals for hair growth, and the foods that have them.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is necessary for cell growth. It also helps with healthy sebum production in the scalp, which prevents strands from drying out. It can be found in fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe, peaches, spinach, and carrots. Now that's what's up, Doc.
Biotin not only increases the density of hair but also helps produce more hair. It can be found in foods such as brown rice, peas, lentils, and oats.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is responsible for producing collagen, which is important for strengthening hair and improving hair growth. It can be found in fruits like blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, and oranges.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D promotes healthy follicle growth, reducing hair loss. It can be found especially in dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese. If you don't get enough Vitamin D from your diet, make sure to spend around 10-15 minutes outside everyday, as you can also get Vitamin D from the sun.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E can prevent hair loss by helping to keep the scalp healthy. It can be found in foods such beans, soybeans, leafy greens, and nuts.
Iron helps hair-producing cells work their hardest by facilitating oxygen transfer to cells. It can be found in foods such as red meats, poultry, and eggs.
Magnesium promotes a healthy scalp for strong and healthy hair. It can be found in foods such as seeds, nuts, salmon, and wild rice.
Niacin nourishes the scalp by promoting circulation, which leads to healthy hair growth. It can be found in foods such as fish, chicken, pork, and peanuts.
Zinc repairs damage to hair cells while also keeping oil glands surrounding follicles in peak shape. It can be found in foods like oysters, red meat, and cereals. So yes, obtaining long and healthy hair can be magically delicious (though you're probably better off with something that has a little less sugar).
Images: ramonespelt/Fotolia; Getty Images (9)