
Where To Find The Cheetah Girls in 2015

by Danielle Santola

After celebrating 13 Nights of Halloween and 25 Days of Christmas year after year, it should be pretty clear that ABC Family knows better than anyone that the holidays are a time to get nostalgic. Well, this year the producers at ABC Family have completely outdone themselves because thanks to them, we finally get to revisit all of our favorite ’90s and ’00s TV shows with their new end-of-the-year special, That's So Throwback. Now you can say goodbye to 2014 with classic episodes of Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Even Stevens. But more importantly, ABC Family is giving us the pleasure of revisiting one of Disney Channel's greatest original movies: The Cheetah Girls series. So before that can happen, you need to refresh your memory by allowing yourself a much-needed and well-over-due Cheetah Girls jam session.

Luckily for us, The Cheetah Girls' music is still all over the Internet — even after almost 12 years of TCG hiatus. When the musical masterpiece of a movie airs at the stroke of midnight on Jan. 1, trust me: you'll want to sing along. So "Strut" like you mean it to any of these platforms and get downloading because if you're like me, your New Years kiss might just be dedicated to ABC Family.


There are just about 83 songs, seven music videos, full albums and all of the Cheetah Girls movies available for purchase at the iTunes Store. If you have Apple anything, you can buy the flawless foursome's singles for $1.29 or purchase full albums for $9.99. If you're looking to have The Cheetah Girls forever at your disposal, a download would be your best bet and now's the time to do it.


If you're looking for just a refresher, YouTube might be the way to go. Complete with lyrics, music videos and behind the scenes extras, YouTube is right there for all of your early 2000s nostalgic demands. If you subscribe to Cheetah Girl channels, you might also be able to download straight from the links.


Pandora Radio is always fun because despite the occasional commercials, you might get a few other throwbacks mixed in with The Cheetah Girls that you didn't. And believe me when I tell you: expect the unexpected. Creating a Cheetah Girls channel is the Christmas gift you'll wish you thought of sooner.


I'm not sure why this even exists, but MTV's website actually has a whole page dedicated to The Cheetah Girls' songs and videos. Hey, if your flashplayer is updated on your computer, why not? Oh also, it's on MySpace, but hopefully you don't still ahve one of those.

Your iPod

If you grew up during the Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens, Cheetah Girls era, you can also probably, very likely, hopefully find a good chunk of these songs already on your iPod. And if you don't — well, you were missing out for most of your life. They are exceptional party starters, especially on New Years Eve.

Images: Giphy (5)