Don't Make These Common Hair Conditioning Mistakes

With all the things we do that damage our hair, whether we know it or not, it's important to take any and all action to prevent and restore the damage. And that starts in the shower. Although we all wash our strands, you might be making hair conditioning mistakes without even realizing it. Especially when time is a factor, because hey, as long as you're clean it's okay to skip the frills, right? No. Not right. Since washing hair dries it out, moving from this on to other hair-styling steps such as brushing, blow drying, and heat styling without conditioner is just exposing your hair to premature and inevitable damage.
If you're really pinched for time, instead of skipping conditioner or using it for too short a period of time, wash with it. That's right, you can actually wash your hair with conditioner instead of shampoo. Although it might not clarify your hair as well as a regular shampoo, conditioner will still clean your strands without stripping it. And if you're trying to wean off everyday washes, try alternating washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Using these methods and avoiding these other common hair-conditioning mistakes will help you have some totally luscious locks.
1. You're Not Using It at All
Conditioner is like moisturizer but for your hair. Using it helps keep hair hydrated and protected against potential damage. Skipping conditioner, especially habitually, will only make your hair parched and more fragile, so remember to condition every time you shampoo.
Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner, $7, Amazon
2. You Use Too Much
Generally, just stick to the bottom half of your hair when applying conditioner. If your roots and scalp are feeling a little dry though, it's okay to condition all of your hair, just make sure to use a very thin layer so as not to weigh hair down.
3. You Don't Leave It in Long Enough
Conditioner should be left in for at least three minutes. Don't want to wait around in your shower for that long? Wash your hair first so your conditioner has time to work its magic while you do the rest of your shower routine.
4. You Don't Ever Deep Condition
Deep conditioners work to restore and prevent damage. Since damaging hair is easier than you might think, it's important to deep condition at least once a week. But since these conditioners are more powerful, definitely only apply these from mid-shaft to ends.
Hydrating Argan Oil Deep Conditioner, $12, Amazon
5. You Only Use Conditioner in the Shower
Leave-in conditioner is totally a thing, and it gives a little extra hydration and damage control. If you like to heat style or dye your hair frequently, the extra conditioning will do your hair good. For anyone with finer strands, you can get super lightweight mist-on conditioners that add all that moisture without the extra goop.
Cantu Aragn Oil Leave-In Conditioner, $6, Amazon
Images: Alliance/Fotolia; Giphy (5)