Has Dar Adal Manipulated Saul On 'Homeland'?

Is anyone else kind of frustrated and disappointed with the ending of Homeland 's Season 4 finale? In what was surely a fantastic reset for the series after the Brody of it all, the finale felt incomplete, and not in an exciting, intriguing kind of way. Aside from Quinn and Carrie's long-time-coming kiss, the finale needed more spark, though it did provide some hope for Season 5 with all of the exposition that was set up. Even the kiss between Quinn and Carrie led to nothing between the couple as Quinn shipped off for another Black Ops mission, despite Carrie appearing to finally realize that she was ready to be with him. And the most frustrating parts of the finale came from Dar Adal, whom we last saw in a car with the terrorist Haqqani. Was Dar working with Haqqani? Was he working in deep cover for the CIA? We still don't have all the answers, but Dar may have manipulated Saul onto his side and that makes me think he's shady.
After Carrie's sees Dar in Haqqani's car, she tells Saul about the possible betrayal and Saul tells her to keep quiet about the incident. Saul then meets with Dar and asks him what he thinks he's doing. Dar tells him that he's made a deal with Haqqani to take the terrorist off of the kill list as long as he doesn't harbor any terrorists in Afghanistan. Saul tells him their conversation is basically sedition, but Dar has a trick up his sleeve. His deal with Haqqani also includes getting back Saul's tape from when he was Haqqani's prisoner, the same tape Saul believed could end his career if it got out.
Dar also seems to be charming his way back to Saul's good graces when he says the CIA wants him back as their leader. When Carrie goes to Dar's house looking for Quinn, who has gone dark on his black ops mission, she threatens Dar by telling him she'll go to the press with the news that he was in cahoots with Haqqani. Dar tells her about the deal he cut with the terrorist and Carrie tells him that making a deal with Haqqani disgraces every person from the embassy that Haqqani killed and that "Saul would spit in your face" if he found out. When Carrie sees Saul outside on the porch at Dar's house, she realizes the betrayal and storms off.
So are we supposed to believe that Dar is really doing all of this for the good of the CIA, for the good of the country? Or could he still be working with Haqqani to ruin everything? I truly can't figure the guy out. But no matter what he's doing, I don't trust him and I don't trust what he's trying to do with Saul. In fact, it makes me nervous and a little scared for Saul and Quinn's safety. Huh, maybe that there was a cliffhanger in this finale after all. Touche, Homeland, touche.
Images: Kent Smith, David Bloomer/SHOWTIME