The Best #GingerbreadHouseFails of Instagram

Gingerbread houses are a staple of Christmas activity and décor. They are tradition. Sure, some of them are awesome and ambitious — like Martha Stewart recreating Downton Abbey’s Grantham estate or Harry Potter fans replicating Hogwarts — but most of them… aren’t. Most gingerbread houses are colossal failures of architecture and frosting, but honestly, those are my favorite ones — the hilarious ones that beg the question, “OMG, what happened here?!”
According to the way we greet each other — Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Cheerful Kwanzaa! (not 100 percent on that last one) — and a famous Christmas tune, this is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. But sometimes you gotta take a break from being joyful every once in awhile because the holiday season is like a GAZILLION YEARS LONG. And the best way to take a harmless break from being joyful is by throwing some good old-fashioned, holiday-themed shade on Instagram. Yeah, buddy! Which is why I did the honors of combing through to find the best #GingerbreadHouseFails of the year, ready and waiting for your side-eye. Enjoy! And don’t feel bad — even Tiny Tim would take a break from saying “God bless us, everyone!” to be like “BAHAHA, are you serious with these?!”
1. I'd Like You To Meet Mr. Gingerbread Houseface
Fabulous? Yes. A house? No.
2. Eff This, Let's Get Drunk Instead!
Is it just me or were the supports made out of Bic razor blades?!
3. Gingerbread Two-Car Garage
Maybe Santa will bring them a house to go with it.
4. "I Said I Wanted Mid-Century Modern, This is Bullshit!"
If baby ain't happy, nobody's happy. I kinda like this guy's attitude...
5. St. Frosting Leak Church
Good intention, poor execution. #notblessed
6. Structural Damage
Just hasn't been the same since the last earthquake...
7. Gingerbread Carport
This is where I park my gingerbread Mercedes-Benz LOL.
8. Roofs Are, Like, Totally Overrated
This "house" is a hot spot for gingerbread stargazing.
9. ???
"Wow, Sheila, love what you've done with the place!"
10. U.F.O. = Unidentifiable Failed Operation
If I just keep decorating, will anyone notice that it's not a house??
11. "I'll Carry it, Mom!"
What's the best vacuum cleaner for picking up frosting, hard candies, and dreams of having the perfect Christmas?
Images: Vox Efx/Flickr; santinarose86, dropbear, ericasmithphoto, katelynmade, gertsgreetings, caradevaney,thejourneyofmyfeet, krissytarwater, carlygillespie_, paramorefan63, edkay77/Instagram