13 Celebrities We Should Stop Hating on in 2015
Since it's almost January, it's probably as good a time as any to come up with some New Year's resolutions. While goals like eating healthier and going to the gym are great, I have a new one to propose. I think 2015 should be the year we stop hating on Kim Kardashian. While there's a population that loves Kim K (myself included), there are plenty of people quick to throw shade her way no matter what. A perfect example was when everybody recently freaked out because Kim cropped daughter North West out of a photo. As she said herself, "Can I live?!?" Answer: YES.
It may seem fun to mock someone who's famous (and hey, we all do it) — but let's lay off the ridicule a bit, OK? This isn't a morality lesson, it's just a simple suggestion. I think we could all benefit from some positivity. In addition to Kim K, here's a list of other celebs we should try to stop hating on in 2015.
Kim Kardashian & Kanye West
Not only does Kim Kardashian belong on this list, but her husband Kanye West does too. We should cut the guy some slack! That whole interrupting Taylor Swift at the VMAs incident happened FIVE years ago, and he’s grown up a lot since then. If Swift can move past it, we should too.
While they’re the #WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple, let’s spin the convo with some positivity. After all, they’ve managed to do pretty well for themselves in 2014.
Justin Bieber
If there’s one person who can instantly make me roll my eyes, it’s J. Biebs. I’ll admit I’m quick to judge his antics (I even compiled an entire slideshow of Bieber’s worst moments of 2014), but this upcoming year, I’ll give the guy a break. It may be hard when he behaves like a doofus, but everyone deserves a second (or thousandth) chance, right?
Kylie Jenner & Her Lips
The public tends to critique this 17-year-old’s every move. Sure, she’s from a famous family, but she’s also just a teenager. I say we let the girl live her life. Who cares if Kylie Jenner’s lips look large in an Instagram photo? She certainly doesn’t.
The Entire Kardashian Family
After including Kylie and Kim, I realized — let’s throw the whole Kardashian crew on the list. The “they’re only famous because of a sex tape” line is so overused. If that tape from 2003 was the only reason they’re famous, I don’t think they’d be all over our TV screens or selling clothing lines galore 11 years later.
Oh, and this includes anyone related to the fam (miscellaneous Jenners and Scott Disick). Instead of insulting them, can’t we just appreciate their awesome existence?
Ariana Grande
While she undeniably has a loyal band of followers, there are plenty of people who complain about Ariana Grande. Sure, she has a diva rep, but that’s old news by now. Really, who cares if Ari only poses on one side of her face? At least she knows what works for her.
One Direction
Don’t act like you’re “too old” for One Direction. The guys are all in their 20s anyway, so it’s not like they’re little kids. Plus, if you still get excited at the thought of a Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC reunion, you shouldn’t hate on this modern boy band. Let them do their thing!
Miley Cyrus
LOL-ing at Miley’s outfits isn’t worth it anymore. If she wants to wear tinsel and pasties, she should do as she wants! Plus, she’s shown maturity in 2014, like when she used her VMA speech to shed a light on the issue of homeless teens. She really has grown up, and so should we.
Kristen Stewart
K. Stew is on the list because I feel like she’s not well-liked, without any good reason. Let’s not hate on someone without a reason.
In the past year, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi got married and had another baby. It’s about time we take her seriously. She’s not the same immature girl from Season 1 of Jersey Shore anymore.
Lena Dunham
Personally, I love Lena Dunham, and I’d venture to say a majority of Bustle readers agree. But the general public? They love to hate on her. Need I remind you of all the outrage over her book Not That Kind of Girl ?
Jaden Smith
Sure, Jaden Smith may tweet cryptic messages, but he’s also only a kid. Maybe he’s actually wise beyond his years. And why call someone “weird” just for thinking differently?
Amanda Bynes
There was so much Amanda Bynes hating in 2014! It seems like she recently turned over a new leaf and is getting her act together. Now let’s let the girl have some privacy, please!