Everything We Know About 'Serial' Season 2

Fans of Serial, how are you holding up this morning? If the answer is "not good," I'm not surprised. Even though the 12th and final installment of Serial Season 1 is officially here, there are still plenty of questions left to be answered — like who really did kill Hae-Min Lee? If you're itching to find out more, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news? Serial's second season is definitely coming. The bad news? It doesn't sound like it's going to answer any questions you might have, because the real life case doesn't have a neat conclusion, either. So what is SSerial Season 2 going to be about, then?
Here's the answer, although you probably won't be too satisfied with it: Nobody actually knows, and if Sarah Koenig has figured it out by now, she's not talking. Back in November, when Serial received the funding it needed to promise that there would be a second season, they posted this announcement on their website:
Last week, we asked people who’ve been listening to Serial to chip in if they wanted a second season. This American Life funded the bulk of Season One, but for Serial to continue, it needs to pay for itself. Today, we have good news: between the money you donated and sponsorship, we’ll be able to make a second season. We don’t know yet what the story will be or exactly when we’ll be airing Season Two, but we’ll be working on it as soon as this season ends.
Considering the popularity of the first season's murder case, it wouldn't be surprising if Koenig selected another story along the same lines — or something totally different entirely, really. Being that Serial is so extremely popular, the staff is basically in the best position possible to take it in whatever direction they want to.
While everyone around me has been totally obsessed with Serial since it began, I've totally missed the boat. I'll be using the hiatus, however long it might be, to catch up on everything I missed. And in the meantime, those who are obsessed are already speculating over what mystery the next season will revolve around — and I have a few in mind myself. Where do all the socks go when you lose them in the laundry? Why can we put a man on the moon and I still can't get fast food breakfast after 10 a.m.? These are the real questions.
Image: Serial Podcast