While season 1 of Serial has indeed ended (and we're probably all still reeling from it), don't fret, superfans: The most addictive podcast around will be back for season 2, with an all-new mystery and a whole batch of new episodes for all of us to unhealthily obsess over. But, with the season 1 finale now having aired, the question is begged: When will season 2 of Serial actually begin? Though producers have confirmed season 2, there's been no word on when it's going to happen — leaving all of our futures effectively Serial-less for at least the immediate future.
There is some good news here, though: Despite the fact that we don't have a concrete date to mark on our calendars and begin anticipating from right this second, we can make an educated guess based on how season 1 came together before it began airing. For instance: Season 1 of Serial took host Sarah Koenig a whole year to research and put together. If planning for season 2 has already begun (and the renewal announcement did say it would start as soon as season 1 ended!), it's possible — even likely — that this pattern could repeat itself, meaning season 2 might be ready to go by this time next year: November or December 2015.
To me, this outcome actually makes the most sense: Though Serial is the talk of the town at the moment (and despite fans wanting season 2 "next week"), releasing season 2 too quickly after season 1's conclusion would seem too rushed, and a podcast like this one needs ample time for research and planning. In a year, I doubt anticipation for this series will wane — if anything, it may just grow stronger.
On the other hand, season 2 could take even longer to be released depending on the mystery that the season will deal with — it's possible it could call for even more research, and thus, even more time spent putting it together.
In both instances, though, the bottom line is the same: It's gonna be a while.
I know, I know: The thought of no Serial for so long is a dark one. But, look on the bright side — there's always season 1 of Serial to check out again! Multiple times! Because, with an ending like that one? It deserves way more than one listen.
Image: Giphy