Justin Bieber's 9 Worst Moments of 2014, Including Getting Dissed By Taco Bell
From injuries to legal trouble, it’s been quite an eventful year for Justin Bieber… And not “eventful” in a good way. In other words, 2014 became the year where all of his seemingly bad behavior backfired and finally caught up with him. Justin Bieber was arrested for a DUI, caught egging his neighbor’s house, and punched by Orlando Bloom. Not to mention having an entire Selena Gomez song written about him. Wow, I *almost* feel bad for the guy. (OK, I actually do a little bit! Only because I have a soul and hate to see anyone go through a downward spiral.) Yet Bieber himself was mostly unapologetic about his behavior, even mocking Bloom on Instagram post-fight. That sorta makes it hard to sympathize too much.
Let’s take a look back at the Biebs' behavior from the past 12 months. Maybe this recap can serve as inspiration for him to shape up his act in the new year. Hey, anything is possible! To quote the singer himself, “Never say never.” In the mean time, here are the worst Bieber moments* of 2014.
* Surprisingly that bandana/bucket hat combo (pictured above) didn't make the list! But it easily could have.
Egging His Neighbor’s House
The fact that Bieber egged his neighbor’s house in January should’ve foreshadowed how terribly the rest of the year would go. Then in November, his egg-gate punishment was decided: he has to pay $80,000 in restitution, as well as attend anger management courses.
Getting Arrested
Soon after the egg-cident (egg incident), Bieber was arrested for allegedly drag racing and driving under the influence in Miami Beach. Biebs’ bad behavior finally caught up to him, and his mugshot was the mugshot seen around the world.
This Mustache
Ahhh, the horror! I still have flashbacks to this creepy ‘stache. I’m glad he shaved it. Good riddance!
Dissed by Taco Bell
It’s been a rough year for Bieber. Not only did Leonardo DiCaprio snub him, but Taco Bell’s president also insulted Bieber. In a Reddit AMA, Brian Niccol (aka T. Bell’s Prez) said the waffle taco would only debut in Canada when the country takes back Justin Bieber. Yikes! But also, touché.
Racist Videos
Not one, but two videos of Bieber being racist leaked this year. The first featured a tasteless joke and the second apparently included him using the n-word. Not cool at all.
Orlando Bloom Fight
Remember when J. Biebs got punched in the face by Orlando Bloom? Nope, no one can ever forget. And the fact that that they were supposedly fighting over a girl makes it even worse. Grow up, guys!
Getting Back Together (& Breaking Up) With Selena
I know it’s their decision whether or not to date, but can they please make up their minds already? All of this back-and-forth between Jelena was confusing… and a bit nauseating. Then finally Selena Gomez stood up for herself and wrote a song believed to be about Bieber that seemingly showed their relationship in a bad light. While he called the song “beautiful,” it couldn’t have been a high point for him.
Cliff-Diving Injuries
Another time Biebs got busted… OK, it was just his ear, but still. Who gets injured while cliff-diving? Apparently this guy does.
Image: Justin Bieber/Twitter
Dying His Hair Blonde
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? Bieber’s bleach blonde ‘do make it looks like he’s trying to be a young Marshall Mathers. But sorry, he will never be Eminem.
Here’s hoping that 2015 goes much better for the Biebs! If he starts it off with a new hairdo, he’ll already be off to a great start.
Image: Justin Bieber/Instagram