10 Gingerbread Houses We Wish We Could Live In, They're Just That Amazing
Making a holiday gingerbread house is an awesomely fun, yet amazingly tedious process. You have to put up the walls, make sure everything stays together, and decorate the entire house in the name of holiday spirit. You wear all the hats — artist, architect, engineer, designer. And then, in the end, the whole house will look so beautiful you probably won’t want to ruin all your hard work by eating it (or maybe it won't turn out anything like how you expected, and that's just kind of depressing for other reasons). I’ve made gingerbread houses before, and let me tell you — it can be a struggle.
That's not to say you shouldn't at least give it a try! All you need to create your own is an easy recipe, some icing, and gumdrops. And if you want to get really fancy, you can add some sprinkles, marshmallows, and pretzels. This year, let these gingerbread works of art inspire you. They range from modern art deco to sinfully sweet and simple, and though they might look time consuming, the finished product is almost too good to eat. And hey, if all else fails, just make a couple mini gingerbread whoopie pies instead.
Palm Springs Gingerbread House
Am I the only one who thinks this house belongs in the Hollywood Hills?
Image: A Beautiful Mess
Whimsical Gingerbread House
Check out the festive Christmas trees lining the way to this gingerbread house! That bright frosting is enough to make your mouth water.
Image: Fotolia
Snow-Covered Cabin
I’d take powdered sugar snow over the regular white stuff any day.
Image: Fotolia
Comfy Cottage
Santa makes an appearance at this nifty little cottage.
Image: Fotolia
Christmas House
This house looks like it came right out of a Christmas fairy tale.
Image: Fotolia
Colonial House
Image: Fotolia
Gingerbread Men
OK, so this isn’t a house per se, but these gingerbread men were too perfect not to include! Learn how to make them yourself at Bake.Give.Love.
Image: Bake.Give.Love
Gingerbread London
Some gingerbread people just have it made, am I right?
Gingerbread White House
Guys? This isn’t a gingerbread house — it’s a gingerbread masterpiece.
Gingerbread House in the Woods
This gingerbread house is obviously where the reindeer go to play.
Image: Fotolia