Here's a sad little post to end your afternoon with: Though we've known it for a while, it's hard to accept the fact that Breaking Bad is really ending in just a week and a half. Eleven days! Personally, I haven't accepted it, even with AMC shoving it in my face every chance they get — like with this new Breaking Bad finale poster, which effectively acts as the show's "goodbyes" to the audience, cast, crew, and everyone involved. You, me, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Vince Gilligan, the guy who ordered the pizza that Walt threw on his roof in season three... come Sept. 29, none of us will have this wonderful show in our lives any longer.
"It was all in the chemistry," the poster reads, because someone as AMC is a SMART-ASS, "Thanks to everyone who made bad so good." Look at them with their puns. I hope they're crying on the inside for making us all so miserable by letting this show end.
Yes, there's still that Saul Goodman spinoff Better Call Saul , but it's not the same — that's a prequel, which means that we're not going to get much more closure than what the finale gives us. And since they're probably pressed for time, I'm pretty sure that closure in the finale won't include telling us if Huell ever left that safehouse room that Hank and Gomie put him in. Probably not.
You can check out the poster below. I'm gonna go drown my sorrows, now.