We Asked It: Will E-Cigs Ever Be Cool?
The e-cigarette industry is stepping up its efforts to convince you that their product is healthy, sexy, and cool. Whether it's because of revamped advertising campaigns, indoor smoking bans, or increasing awareness of the health risks of tobacco, the e-cigarette trend seems to be catching on. E-cig sales are projected to double this year, reaching $1 billion. So we hit the street to let the fine people of Williamsburg judge: Are e-cigarettes cool now?
E-Cigarettes: Cool, or Hookah in Disguise?
The e-cigarette industry is stepping up its efforts to convince you that their product is healthy, sexy, and cool. Whether it's because of revamped advertising campaigns, indoor smoking bans, or increasing awareness of the health risks of tobacco, the e-cigarette trend seems to be catching on. E-cig sales are projected to double this year, reaching $1 billion. So we hit the street to let the fine people of Williamsburg judge: Are e-cigarettes cool now?
"It's like reading a book on a Kindle."
"It’s not the same. If I’m gonna smoke, I’m gonna smoke. But for somebody who smokes like a pack a day, I think it’s probably a good idea." — Tyler, 24.
"I've actually never seen anyone smoke an e-cigarette!"
Would you date a smoker? "Probably not." Would you date a smoker of e-cigs? "If it meant they were trying to stop smoking, yeah!" — Sarah, 21.
"Cigarettes were never cool to begin with!"
"We both just quit smoking! But e-cigarettes seem like they're becoming very popular. I guess they don't have the offensive odor, but I don't think it makes a difference health-wise." — Brandon and Giselle, 18.
"I've been reading a lot about them recently."
"The one time I came across an e-cigarette was when I was at work and it looked like someone was smoking inside. I thought, 'That's really crazy!' Then I realized what it was and I was like, 'Oh that's okay.'" — Tom, 31.
"They're a little too robotic."
"They look weird, but the kick is nice. I don't really like cigarettes anyways, so vapor is fine. And they don't make your throat hurt in the morning. Maybe they'll be cool someday, but I feel like an android when I smoke them." — Dylan, 21.
"Ew, no. It's so corny!"
"I tried one. It felt gross. I felt sick! I'm a teacher, and we recently suspended five kids because they were smoking e-cigarettes outside. I don't know if they knew that it was wrong..." — Sheena, 25.