Everyone is still talking about Sunday night's episode of Breaking Bad , "Ozymandias." As the third-to-last episode of the season, which brought us back to the moments after an intense cliffhanger, fans knew that some major drama was about to unfold. But no one was prepared for just how insane it was going to be. By the time Walt sped away from a bloody, screaming Skyler with Holly in his lap, viewers basically went into shock until the credits rolled — at which point they rushed to the Internet to freak out.
The culmination of that fan explosion is a new record on IMDb, one that has no signs of being broken by anything other than Breaking Bad's next episode. On IMDb, users can rate episodes on a scale of zero to 10 stars, and right now, "Ozymandias" has an average of 10 stars. And no, it's not that a few obsessed people ranked it at 10. So far, it has been ranked by almost 20,000 users and "Ozymandias" still has a solid 10. The only other TV series to have a higher overall rating than Breaking Bad, the 2006 nature miniseries Planet Earth, never had one of its episodes average a 10.
It becomes an even more impressive rating when you look at IMDb's breakdown of the votes. A total of 95.9 percent of voters gave the episode a 10, followed by 2 percent giving it a nine. In case you were wondering, 1.1 percent gave it a one, all of whom I'm guessing were just trolling — or a spurned TV rival (ahem, Jon Hamm).
But the most interesting stat about the "Ozymandias" rating? Its gender breakdown. Though not all of the users who voted have their gender attached to their IMDb account, the demographics state that over 10,000 men rated the episode and only 1,000 women. Where are the female Breaking Bad fans? Unless the other 9,000 voters are all women who just don't say so on IMDb, there's an enormous disparity here.
Even the Breaking Bad series rating of a 9.4 comes from many more men than women, with over 142,000 votes listed as coming from male users, and only 24,000 from women. Yes, Breaking Bad is a show with a larger male audience, as Vulture pointed out last year, and their editor re-affirmed just a few weeks ago, but the IMDb gap is much greater, proportion-wise.
So what are you doing ladies?! If you're a Breaking Bad fan, get on IMDb and keep that 10 going strong — or try to bring it down if you disagree. If you're not a Breaking Bad fan, what are you waiting for? I'll even lend you my Netflix password.