
4-Year-Old Mayhem to Design Line for J.Crew

by Jodie Layne

When I was four years old, I was probably memorizing the stories in books and pretending to actually be able to read them, trying to convince my mom to let me take a bath with my clothes on and throwing birthday parties for my Barbie dolls. Today, a four-year-old fashion guru just made me feel hella under accomplished. J. Crew announced that Mayhem would be designing a collection for their children's line Crewcuts. Little Mayhem with J.Crew will be available in spring 2015's style guide and will feature nine ensembles — all under $100, as reported by Women's Wear Daily.

Angie Keiser, Mayhem's proud mama, has been posting photos of the tiny fashion fiend's paper designs on Instagram since May of 2013. The pair have taken on red carpet recreations and mini Met Gala replicas using paper, foil, and other craft supplies — all at the direction of the pint-sized visionary. After working with Vogue this spring to create the Met Gala retrospective and making her New York Fashion Week Debut, it makes sense that Mayhem was in the running for an original collection of her own.

According to Keiser's blog, Fashion by Mayhem, Jenna Lyons contacted her about a potential partnership. When the creative mom said they didn't really have any actual design experience, J. Crew invited them to New York to do what they do best: play with paper. The idea of a bunch of the most fashionable adults in New York City on the floor, creating and playing with a four-year-old is just about enough to melt my heart.

Mayhem's mom promises that all the skirts and dresses were tested for "twirlability," so really the only question I have left is as follows: Can they also make this collection in grown-up sizes?

Image: Annie Keiser/Fashion by Mayhem; Instagram/ jcrew