'Big Brother 15' Finale Airs Tonight: The 11 Most Offensive Moments From the Season
After a season full of a healthy dose of fawgs, frozen yogurt, and racism (womp womp), Big Brother 15 will air its finale Wednesday night, meaning our TV will finally be rid of a cast made up of some of the most horrible people in reality TV history. But just how horrible? Remember the season that was with the 11 most offensive things to happen throughout Big Brother 15. And then cross your fingers for a twist that delivers the win to Judd's bear shirt instead of our terrible final three. Images: CBS
After a season full of a healthy dose of fawgs, frozen yogurt, and racism (womp womp), Big Brother 15 will air its finale Wednesday night, meaning our TV will finally be rid of a cast made up of some of the most horrible people in reality TV history. But just how horrible? Remember the season that was with the 11 most offensive things to happen throughout Big Brother 15. And then cross your fingers for a twist that delivers the win to Judd's bear shirt instead of our terrible final three. Images: CBS
Everything Aaryn Said
Whether it was her claim that the Asian-American Helen should go "make some rice," that homosexual contestant Andy was a "queer," that Candice and Howard were the show's "token" African-Americans, or that she did not pay attention to her perfect hair inside the Big Brother house (come on), almost every sentence uttered by Aaryn throughout Big Brother 15's run was offensive. (And don't even get us started on her mockery of Candice's accent.) The contestant paid for it outside of the house — becoming America's enemy no. 1, and losing her modeling agency — and might even be classified as Big Brother's most heinous contestant of all time. Sorry, Evel Dick.
Aaryn Doesn't Quite Apologize
We almost felt bad for the national heckling Aaryn Gries was about to receive after getting evicted from Big Brother 15 when she told Julie Chen she "felt horrible" and regretted her racist words. But then to claim that she wasn't being racist, just Texan? ("In Texas, we say things. Sometimes we joke and we don't mean it. I feel how bad it is being seen and how I've come across to people.") Seems she'll be quite lonely in the Lone Star state.
GinaMarie vs. Candice
The two houseguests were constantly at one another's throats, but it was easy to pick a side. After all, not only would GinaMarie regularly mock Candice's "blackness," but, minutes before Candice left the house, she also struck the lowest blow of all. After Candice mocked GinaMarie for still living with her mother, GinaMarie retorted to Candice, who was given up for adoption as a child, "At least my mom likes me, not like yours." Not the most PC answer, coming from the pageant coordinator.
GinaMarie Gobbles Frozen Yogurt
We were disgusted watching GinaMarie deep throat frozen yogurt during one week's Have-Not competition. Impressed, yes. But disgusted.
Spencer Jokes About His Hilarious Pastime
Which is partaking in child pornography. Ha ha? The top three finisher already enraged viewers for making homophobic and misogynistic comments throughout the season, but his joke that "beating off to child porn is my favorite thing there is," cemented him as Big Brother 15's most heinous contestant. But while he might not be getting penalized within the house, Spencer certainly is paying for his words outside of the game — his former employer, Union Pacific Railroad, has continued to express its distaste for the houseguest.
Oh, Hey, Amanda's A Racist Too!
Fans already hated Amanda, thanks to the houseguest's abrasive personality and bossiness inside the house. So when McCrae's other half began making jokes about "Puerto Rican showers" and called out another contestant's "nappy" hair, it only gave viewers more ammunition against Amanda. And the fact that she insisted America couldn't possibly be nominating her for eviction? Well, that's more deluded than insisting her pizza delivery man boyfriend is really a wealthy tycoon.
Even Jeremy's Asshole Is an Asshole
For no reason other than good old-fashioned bullying, Jeremy shoved Elissa's hat between his butt cheeks. Majorly offensive, especially since no one wants to get in Jeremy's pants.
Jeremy Gropes Kaitlin
...except, of course, Kaitlin, who allowed Jeremy to grope her on camera at every opportunity. Even fellow D-list star Valerie Cherish knows we don't want to see that .
Elissa Teases Amanda
Believe it or not, there was one short moment in which we actually sympathized with Amanda during Big Brother 15. During McCrae's birthday celebration, the houseguest donned a dominatrix outfit, only to be surprisingly ridiculed by the relatively harmless
No One Liked Jessie
When Jessie said women don't like her because of her looks and personality on Big Brother 's first episode, we scoffed at such an offensive claim. But, as it turned out, Big Brother's women didn't like her because of her actually good personality. The contestant, who slowly became a surprising houseguest to root for, attracted the ire of hatable cast members like Amanda, only making us like her more. The fact that CBS's cameras caught her dancing alone in her room only solidified our fandom. But, based on the Big Brother houseguests' reaction to Jessie, we're dancing by ourselves too when it comes to our Jessie love.
GinaMarie and Spencer Making It This Far
A racist and misogynist walk into the Big Brother house... and end up being two of the final three contestants. Clearly, since we have no choice but to root for floater Andy, the joke is on us.