17 Bizarre Nicki Minaj Outfits, Because She Knows How To Make Costume-Wear Look Incredibly Cool
It's a pretty big day for Nicki Minaj. December 8 (which should probably be a national holdiay) is the rapper's 32nd birthday. Yeah, she's had some pretty, um, bold outfits over the years. Seriously, she is NOT afraid of color. As a present to you, (and her, I guess) here are 17 of Nicki's most bizarre outfits. Because no one can pull off pink quite like she can.
Happy Birthday, Nicki! Thank you for giving us an excuse to treat everyday like Halloween.
Red All Over
The IRL version of Little Red Riding Hood.
The Barbie Cop
Officer Minaj at your service!
Thin Mints?
And why not throw Girl Scout Barbie in there as well?
The Zebra...Tights?
Are they really long tights? A piece of fabric that goes around her waist? Either way, it’s pink zebra print, and it’s all over her body.
Image: Getty
The Pink Poofy Hair
She’s actually a marshmallow with pink hair.
DIY Creation
Why buy a new dress when you can just glue cotton balls on an old one?
The Headpiece
The bigger the bow, the closer to Jesus. That’s how that goes, right?
Two Shaded
Because choosing only one color is hard.
In the Wild
She knows how to blend into her surroundings.
The Tutu?
Coming to your nearest Comic Con!
Work Out
A jazzercise class come to life.
She obviously knows that the '80s were the best decade of the 20th century.
The Never Ending Dress
Uh, does it stop? Did it just grow during her entire performance? Let’s hope no one tripped over that thing.
The Shreads
Why not add an extra touch to your jumpsuit?
The Paper Delivery Boy?
Because a newsboy can solve all of your problems.
A Bit Exposed
Uh, your ribs are showing.
E.T. Phone Home
Aliens might be here.