This Guy Might be Returning to 'Community'

LeVar Burton sent a very interesting tweet earlier today. It read "Back on the set of #Community #bydhttmwifi," and it was accompanied with a picture of the exterior of the library set. Could it mean what we think it means? Could Burton be returning to Community for a guest appearance, reuniting with Troy Barnes, preparing to fill our hearts with joy and heartbreak once more? Excuse us while we go collapse in the bathroom sob-singing the Reading Rainbow theme song to ourselves.
Set phasers to Love Me, Community fans, it may be true. Burton followed up his first tweet with pictures of himself and some of the cast, including one captioned "Romping through Glendale with Donald Glover."
Burton's first appearance on Community (which you can see a clip of below) produced one of the show's most memorable moments — sent there by Chevy Chase's Pierce to meet Glover's Troy Barnes, Burton inadvertently triggers a full-fledged fanboy meltdown.
A guest appearance by Burton has yet to be officially announced, but we're gonna take a leap and say that these tweets mean he'll be making a return. With Glover (*sob*) making his departure from the show this season, what better way to rip at the hearts of Troy's biggest fans than by revisiting one of the character's (and Glover's) best moments on the show?
Maybe they'll stitch things up by having Troy finally be able to interact with Burton properly and productively. Add a dash of weirdness (and/or romping) and it seems like a Dan Harmon way of saying goodbye to a beloved character.
"Butterfly in the sky..."