American Horror Story: Freak Show may be more than halfway through its fourth season, but that isn't stopping this FX series from recruiting a new member to its compelling cast of characters. And that’s exactly what Wednesday's AHS: Freak Show episode “Blood Bath” intends on doing. As several of the episode’s promo photos have indicated, the town of Jupiter will inherit a new resident in the form actress Chrissy Metz who will play Ima, the latest member of Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities. And while very few details have been released about the character, I was lucky enough to chat with Metz in an exclusive interview and get a sense of what Ima will bring to the AHS table and how her presence will all impact the rest of the season.
“I think this character brings something different to the freak show," Metz reveals. "She wasn’t necessarily born this way… but none the less she’s still a character like in real life and [someone] different than most of the population, especially in 1952 when you were a plus size or an overweight person, you, I think, were shunned even more." And even thought Metz assures us that Ima is very comfortable with embracing her uniqueness, she admits that in true AHS-fashion, things will eventually escalate to a very dark place and "underlying issues might start to unravel.” In other words, brace yourselves.
As for how exactly Ima finds her way into this Jupiter sideshow, Metz promises all will be explained in Wednesday night's episode. "That’s what we find out tonight is Ima’s introduction… you’ll definitely understand why I chose to become a part of the Freak Show.” However, judging by the photos, it's safe to say Elsa will play a significant role in Ima's storyline. Let's just hope it doesn't end up being to her detriment because knowing Elsa, she may have less than pure intentions up her sleeve.
And speaking of this latest AHS episode, according to Metz, "Blood Bath" will certainly live up to its name. “I believe that it’s going to be a gruesome surprise for sure.” Which can only mean one thing: more death is on the horizon.
But if you were thinking of lumping Metz into that category, think again. Because it seems that Ima will be sticking around for quite some time and bringing more to the table than just her appetite. “Yes, I will be using another talent of mine in an upcoming episode, which is super unexpected and beyond exciting.” Now as for what that particular talent may be, right now it's anyone's guess. But consider me officially intrigued!
And just in case there wasn't enough love triangles and squares floating around this sideshow, Metz hinted that a certain boy will catch Ima's eye. "I do develop a very serious crush for someone, so I like him a lot. I can’t say who. I wish I could, but there are some cute boys on the show, so it could be a couple of them.” I don't know about you guys, but my money is on either Jimmy or Paul. (And if that's the case, girl's going to have to get in line.)
Suffice to say, Metz's presence is going to make for a welcome addition to the series and something she would be more than happy to repeat in future seasons. When asked if she would be willing to return, Metz joyously replied, “Oh my god! Yes! Please, yes! That would be incredible.” So take note, Ryan Murphy. You may have a keeper on your hands.