7 Tips To Help You Pull Off Dark Lipstick

Makeup is something that changes the way we look, whether it's slightly or completely. This is not news. But there are certain products and colors that can cause more change than others. Pulling off dark lipstick is one of those things. If you're a stranger to the deeper hues, it can be somewhat surprising to see your reflection with an unnatural lip color. You might even think you look strange at first. But this doesn't mean you can't rock a purple/black/burgundy lipstick. There are just a couple things you'll have to consider before wearing one.
Before you decide to rock a dark lip, make sure the time is right. You probably won't want to wear a red, purple, or black lip to a dinner date where you'll be eating greasy pizza or a big-ass hamburger. The oil in fast foods will break down your lip color, leaving it messy and patchy, while foods that aren't bite-sized will also wear away at your lipstick.
You'll also want to take into account your plans for the day. Red and vampy lips are high maintenance, and you might have to touch up and reapply throughout the day. So if you're spending the day at an amusement park, maybe opt for some slightly tinted Chapstick instead. But as far as actually wearing a dark lip? Here's how to pick and apply one so you can totally pull it off.
1. Pick the Right Shade for Your Skin Tone
Every lipstick has an undertone. To pick the one that will look best on you, make sure its undertone goes well with your own coloring — your skin tone, eye color, and/or hair color. Ladies with lighter coloring generally look better in pink tones while ladies with darker coloring tend to look better in brown tones. Blue undertones will be preferred by cool-toned ladies, but, in small doses, it can make anyone's teeth look whiter.
2. Take Your Time & Keep Lip Shape in Mind
The darker the lipstick, the more obvious the lines you create with it. Avoid a messy presentation by lining your lips after you've applied your lipstick, with a liner as close to your lipstick shade as possible. And if you have one on hand, apply your lippy with a brush — this will give you a cleaner application.
Darker lip shades also have the power to make your lips appear thinner than they naturally are. If your lips are on the thin side, overdraw them so the dark color doesn't shrink them.
3. Fill in Your Brows
If you only do one other thing in your makeup routine when wearing a dark lip, make sure it's filling in your eyebrows. Since dark lipstick draws attention to such a low point on the face, it's important to balance the focus by really giving brows the power to do their job: Frame the face.
4. Keep It Minimal
I'm not going to tell you to avoid a smoky eye with your dark lip, because if that's what makes you happy, then please do you. But if you want your lips to be the main focus of your makeup, keep the eye look to a minimum. Golds and bronzes tend to look good paired with a darker lip, but when in doubt, wing it out.
5. Balance Your Cheeks
A dark lipstick has the power to wash out your face. Don't forget the bronzer when you wear one; it will put needed color back into your cheeks. As far as blush goes, you can stick to a neutral or bronzy shade, but if you like the flushed look, opt for a berry tone.
6. Check Your Teeth
Lipstick will always try to move in on your teeth, and the darker the color, the more obvious it will be if it strays. To make sure your smile isn't as dark as your lips, put a finger in your mouth, close your lips around it, and pull it out. Any lipstick that ended up on your finger could've been on your teeth. Disaster averted.
7. Be Confident
But ultimately, the most important thing when wearing a bold lip is confidence. Your statement lip will probably attract attention anyway, so don't shy away from it. You better werk.
Images: Miki Hayes (6); Giphy (1)