Imagine being the middle child with a plethora of attributes that no one knows about or remembers. Imagine being completely overshadowed by other family members' achievements and boisterous personalities that people basically forget you are a contributing member of the family's success. Perhaps, in the throes of the holiday season you are nodding your head in agreement because that's how you spent your Thanksgiving. Imagine being part of the mint family and having plants like carrot and dill constantly overshadow the significant health benefits you have to offer and living life as a garnish that people immediately pick off their plate. Well that's how parsley feels. If parsley were a teenage girl, its 16th birthday would closely resemble Samantha Baker's in 16 Candles and I would be Jake Ryan, curious about the outcast, but inevitably falling head over heels in love — because parsley has some amazing beauty benefits that I just can't ignore.
Even though parsley is considered the most popular herb, it's usually only attributed to garnishing and sauce-making, but this member of the Apiaceae family is an excellent addition to your cocktails, smoothie, AND beauty routine. Parsley is an excellent source of antioxidants (because of all those delish flavanoids) and vitamin C which are two things are body needs on the regular. This is just one of the reasons why this herb is gaining more attention in skin care products.
Of course, the healthy treats our bodies crave can also be applied topically to make us even more beautiful than we already are, and parsley is no exception. Parsley is a popular home remedy for balancing oil production, decreasing inflammation, and preventing discoloration in our skin. Parsley is going to help you fight outbreaks and acne. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines with its unique ability to increase skin regeneration. Basically, it's a miracle herb of sorts.
You don't have to shell out a bunch of cash for this little wonder; parsley is super cheap and plentiful. If you have a green thumb, you can grow your own parsley — once you've successfully grown a batch it will definitely come back each year. Parsley essential oil is available at your local health food store and vitamin shops and is one of the cheaper oils you can buy — or, of course, you can always make it yourself. These super easy DIY beauty masks will hook your skin up before your office holiday party.
1. Parsley Acne Facial
This recipe is especially great for excessive oil, acne, and to clear up old acne spots. Just mix about six or seven sprigs of parsley, two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, and one tablespoon of raw honey in a blender. Apply your mask on makeup free skin and leave on for about five minutes. Make sure you massage the mask into your pores because parsley is also great at unclogging them. This mask isn't particularly drying so it can be used as a daily treatment for acne-prone skin.
2. Parsley Toner
If you are looking to add something extra to your witch hazel toner, parsley works as an excellent toner. I boil about 10 sprigs of parsley in filtered water, then add a tablespoon of witch hazel and let it cool over night. Take the parsley sprigs out of your solution if you are making a batch to last you the week; you don't want the leaves to turn on you by spoiling. The witch hazel will actually keep your parsley water fresh, but your new toner should still be stored in the fridge. This toner is excellent for decreasing the signs of aging, lack of sleep, and holiday hangovers.
3. Parsley Oil Mask
If your skin runs pretty oily and you've snacked on some holiday foods that have given you some serious oil build-up, this simple treatment will get your oil production balanced in no time. Just boil 10 parsley sprigs in filtered water and add a teaspoon of white vinegar, then use a warm towel to give yourself a nice steaming treatment. This will open up your pores as well, so using your favorite cleanser afterwards will ensure a nice, deep clean.
Image: Cookbookman17, wintersoul1, Don Lavange, Kelly Boone/Flickr