'Wonder Woman' Officially Has Its Director

It's officially official: The Wonder Woman movie's found its director. It's the first real step into this film actually taking shape, and if you ask me they've found just the right woman for the job. Welcome to the blockbuster game, Michelle MacLaren.
MacLaren was previously reported as the leading contender for the director's seat for Warner Bros./DC's Wonder Woman, but it's good to have the official word on the matter. According to The Hollywood Reporter, MacLaren will also be seeing the film through with the early stages of development, "work[ing] with the project’s writers, which remain unnamed at this stage, to lasso together a script for the movie." Yes, you can expect these puns to keep going well into 2017.
MacLaren's past credits are a good sign — she's won her share of Emmys as an executive producer on Breaking Bad , and she's directed some key Game Of Thrones episodes. As Bustler Michael Arbeiter writes:
This brand of tension and dark psychological exploration is right in step with the chartered voice of DC Comics films. Her exploits with The Walking Dead and The Leftovers are likewise representative of the grim sensibilities fostered by the DC plan — that pioneered by Christopher Nolan and carried out rigidly, albeit less effectively, by Zack Snyder (who will introduce the Wonder Woman character to the cinematic universe in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice).
As for the realm of the fantastic, MacLaren has plenty of practice therein as well: with four episodes of Game of Thrones under her belt (two from Season 3, two from Season 4) under her belt, the challenge of imagining a vast, fresh Themyscira seems well within MacLaren’s capabilities.
Here's to the future of female superheroes.