Watch Allllll the "Celebs Read Mean Tweets" Videos

For almost three years now, Jimmy Kimmel's "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets" series has had us laughing. From the first episode with Will Ferrell sitting on a toilet to the latest mean tweets with Britney Spears, they just keep getting better. The stars range from up-and-coming to A-list, and special editions for the NFL, NBA, and musicians are equally as hilarious. Surprisingly, athletes sometimes have it even worse than actors — who would have known? We're at a full dozen of these videos now, so it seems like the perfect time to round them all up in one place.
For me, the more ridiculous and expletive-filled, the better, but sometimes a line like, "Your face is so stupid. I hate you @johnkrasinski" is perfect, too. (That may have to do with the puppy-dog-eyed, pouting face that John gives when he delivers the tweet.) If I had to pick a few favorites from memory, they'd probably be Kristen Bell, Jon Hamm (with a giant beard, no less), Jennifer Garner, Bryan Cranston, Emma Stone, Mindy Kaling, and Matthew McConaughey. But those are just seven out of hundreds of amazing mean tweets that you can lose yourself in now — and then tweet about your love or hatred of them afterward.
NBA #2
Image: ABC