Witness Baby Taylor Swift Singing At Age 12
She's never far from the public consciousness, but with 1989 coming out so recently, Taylor Swift is everywhere. Even before she was an international superstar, though, she was always out there — watching, waiting. At least since 1989. One piece of proof to this effect recently re-surfaced: video of Swift, aged 12, singing the National Anthem. She's as baby-faced and adorable as you'd expect.
Do you think Baby Swift had any idea people 12 years later would be spreading her video all over the Internet as she promotes an album that sold over a million albums in a week? If she was anything like me as a 12-year-old in the mid-2000s I'm gonna go with "yes," because if she was anything like me during that era she was watching Lizzie McGuire and plotting her own pop cultural takeover — alongside making some questionable hair decisions, because that show was a pretty sketchy influencer on that front.
Well, Baby Swift, I've got news for you: You succeeded! You're like a really big deal now!
I wonder what Baby Swift would think of the "Blank Space" video. Here's hoping she'd be in awe at what the specific kind of BAMF she turned into.