Who Is Paul from 'AHS: Freak Show' Married To IRL?

American Horror Story keeps getting crazier and crazier as the weeks go on. This week, in the episode titled "Bullseye," Paul the Illustrated Seal played by Mat Fraser has a "secret romance," but what I really want to know about Paul is what's happening with his real life relationship. Julie Atlas Muz and Mat Fraser have been married since 2012 and they are pretty much the most adorable couple ever. The Detroit native is extremely excited about her hubby landing his major TV role on American Horror Story: Freak Show. "I am super proud of Mat and I think it's about time that he gets TV work in the USA," she told us. "It's righteous. We watch the show together when we are together. When we are not, I watch it with various friends at AHS viewing parties in NYC. I don't have a TV!"
Fraser isn't the only star in this power couple though. Known for her burlesque shows, Muz has about a million things on her plate aside from that, so you might want to remember her because she will eventually end up on your TV. "I am about to go on tour again with the Cabaret New Burlesque in France and Mat and I are about to bring our theater show 'Beauty and the Beast' to Australia," she said. "I am dreaming and scheming up some new Christmas material for the coming season, which is sure to be shocking. In terms of theater, I am in development for Animal Farm, [a kid's] play that is my dream to direct. Oh, and I recently got cast in Basil Twist's new show as one of the Henry Street Settlement Sisters starring opposite Joey Arias."
Now that you know where you can see Muz in the future, here is everything you need to know about Fraser's perfect relationship with her, from where they met to their amazing couple's costume for Halloween 2014.
Romance blossomed at the Coney Island Freak Show
In 2006, Fraser was working on Coney Island and was asked to host a burlesque show called "Burlesque at The Beach." Julie recalls that it was May 5 and she really didn't want to perform because of the bad weather. However, she found out that Fraser would be hosting and was intrigued as he was known around Coney Island as "seal boy."
"We hit it off immediately," she told us. However, they were both married at the time, so they didn't get together until a few years later when their marriages dissolved. The two have been together ever since.
They were in X-Rated Beauty and The Beast
Even though Muz says it’s impossible for her to pick her favorite show, she gave the spotlight to her X-Rated Beauty and the Beast show that she stars in with Fraser. They've performed in London and New York and the New York Times praised their performance. Here's the fun part: it's pretty much all performed in the nude. If you Google it — because when you hear nude fairy tales that's pretty much the only acceptable reaction — you can watch a portion of the show. You know, if you'd like to see Muz and Fraser naked and yes I've seen them both naked now. Kudos for that kind of on-stage confidence.
Their wedding included school girl zombies
I mean the headline is pretty self explanatory, but Muz had 25 bridesmaids and all of them were dressed as school girl zombies. Remember when everyone lost their minds about about the Little Mermaid wedding? I’m calling it: this outranks that by about a million.
They know how to spend a weekend
When the couple isn't performing, their typical weekend includes, "hanging out with friends, laughing, f*cking, having fun and causing the best kind of trouble!"
Their Couple Costume dominates
For Halloween 2014, the couple dressed as two bed bugs and they looked absolutely amazing.
Images: Michele K. Short/FX; Luma Rouge; Normal Blake; Julie_Atlas_Muz/Twitter