What Is Scott Disick's Job? And 17 Other Questions About Your Favorite 'Keeping Up' Cast Member
There's no question that Scott Disick is the most entertaining part of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, and it's about time that we recognize that. For someone completely unaware how to keep his opinions to himself, the guy is a bit of a mystery. I mean, do you know what Disick's job is, other than to look dapper 24/7 and throw money in waiter's faces? I've dived into Disick's past and dug up the 17 answers to the questions you definitely have about Disick's epic, luxury-filled life. Don't be embarrassed — I know you know you want to soak up every piece of knowledge available about this guy. Click on through to become a Disick expert, because even peasants want a taste of the royal life.
What Does Disick Do For A Living?
He told Life & Style Magazine in 2010 that he runs multiple companies in the nutrition world, including QuickTrim. He also raises money for startup ventures and invests money in nightclubs, because of course he does.
Is He Really A Lord?
Oh, hell yeah. If only because he bought himself the title. In 2012 he purchased the title of Lord on the Internet and was authentically “knighted” during a trip to London.
Did He Have Any Other Jobs?
Oh yes. Prepare to freak out, because Disick used to be a young adult novel model. That’s his face on the cover of the horse-centric Heartland books, which hit shelves in 2001.
When Did Disick Meet Kourtney Kardashian, Love Of His Life?
The pair met and began dating in 2006.
...And How Did Those Two Crazy Kids Meet, Anyway?
You can thank the guy behind Girls Gone Wild. According to Us Weekly, Joe Francis introduced the now-couple — he was good friends with Kourtney and Scott separately — when they were all partying together in Miami.
Are Scott and Kourtney Kardashian The Real Life Chuck and Blair?
Absolutely, and this article proves it.
Where Is He From?
The Lord may have been knighted in England, but he actually hails from Eastport, Long Island.
When Is Scott's Birthday?
He was born on May 26, 1983.
I Want To Get Disick A Gift. What Should I Get Him?
Stick to ascots, canes, and, of course, luxury anything. And don’t ask Kris Jenner for her opinion.
Does Disick Have Brothers Or Sisters?
Nope, he’s an only child. Which, in retrospect, makes a whole lotta sense.
Why Does He Look So Cool In Sunglasses?
I think it’s his facial structure.
What TV Show Does Disick Like To Binge Watch?
According to E!, it’s Seinfeld . He watches it every night before bed, according to Us Weekly.
How Does Disick Get That Facial Glow? I Want It!
It’s called $300 moisturizer, you peasant.
What's Disick's Favorite Movie?
According to his interview with Us Weekly , it’s Ferris Beuller’s Day Off.
Who Is The Coolest Person in The World, According to Disick?
Disick cites his son, Mason, as the “coolest person in the world.” Aww.
Can He Act?
Of course. Check out Disick as Patrick Bateman in the American Psycho parody for Kanye West’s new album.
Is He The Best Cast Member On 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians?'
How you can even compare Disick to those peasants is beyond me.