13 Craziest Moments From the "Blank Space" Video

Update: Director Joseph Kahn revealed on Twitter Monday morning that Yahoo! accidentally released the "Blank Space" music video too early. However, Swift has released the music video officially to her Vevo as of early Monday afternoon.
I don't know about you, but I'm still trying to process everything that I witnessed Monday morning. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you are either not a Taylor Swift fan or you haven't been on Twitter just yet. Because Swift's music video for "Blank Space" has been released and it is the most insane thing you will ever watch. I mean, she did warn us within the lyrics of the song that she was "a nightmare dressed as a daydream", but who knew she would interpret that so literally for the video? We might be able to explain the "Blank Space" lyrics so Swift sounds a liiiiitle less crazy in the song, but the music video defies explanation. It's just something you have to watch. And then rewatch. And then bow down to Swift and director Joseph Kahn for their genius.
However, the video has so far only been released to Yahoo! Screen, meaning it's unavailable internationally. The thought of my fellow Swifties missing out on every single bewildering moment hurts me to my core. After all, Swift really went in on this music video. It all went south so quickly that I got mood whiplash, you guys! It was crazy. So just in case you can't watch the music video or can't process the music video, here are the 13 most insane moments from "Blank Space".
1. Swift and Olivia Benson giving us too much cute in one shot
2. The fact that Swift keeps horses in her bedroom
3. This guy's face
4. The part where they rode bikes indoors
5. This cape though
6. That time Swift was a better painter than da Vinci
7. When she took a golf club to both headlights
8. When she dropped a perfectly good smartphone in water
9. That time she cut paper dolls in his clothes...
10. ...the ones she didn't set on fire, that is
11. That part where she made a cake bleed
12. And stood on a horse
13. I — what?
Yeah. If this music video doesn't prove that Swift is a queen then nothing else will. Check out the video below.
Images: Yahoo!