ATTENTION: It's Time to Up Your Sriracha Game

I've been known to lift those tiny bottles of Tabasco they occasionally offer at restaurants, and I even purchased a tiny on-the-go tin of fancy Maldon sea salt because the Editor in Chief of Bon Appetit told me to (I've yet to use it outside my apartment for fear of public shaming). But it's time for every other adorably tiny version of a condiment to step aside, because a portable Sriracha keychain is here.
A clever company called Sriracha2Go created 1.5-ounce (a size chosen by someone who clearly does not know the lengths of Sriracha addiction) bottles which come stamped with a logo that looks a whole lot like (but isn't quite) that of the famous Hoy Fung Rooster Sauce. It comes with a handy carabiner so you can attach it to the handle on your bag or, I don't know, the hammer hook on your jeans.
There's a catch, though — the bottles don't come filled with sriracha, so you have to provide that yourself. So really this is the equivalent of filling a little travel shampoo bottle with sriracha and toting it around with you, but with some much better branding. And look, they are already marketing to the perfect audience, Williamsburg hipsters who go to Smorgasburg. (Me.)
It costs $7 and I'm a total sucker so I will probably buy it.
And look! You can buy them in bulk and give them away as bachelorette party favors or hand them out to children next Halloween. Or something.