
Nick Teaches the Right Way to Grab Your Crotch

by Allyson Koerner

Remember that time Nick Jonas posed shirtless, grabbed his crotch, and shocked everyone with his muscles (all of them)? It's hard to forget about, right? And who wants to? Well, I have some good news. You can now learn the proper and perfect way to grab your crotch thanks to Nick Jonas. The singer/actor released a tutorial with Now magazine, so we (men and women) can stop grabbing our crotches improperly. Who knew there was a right way to do such a thing?

As you can see in the video below, Jonas offers up the following advice for crotch-grabbing,

Now, it's very simple. You need three things: a hand, a crotch, and a willingness to do anything. So my basic steps are turn to the side — profile is better — make sure your hand is ready and just go for it. That's it, that's all you need.

Do I have a hand? Check. What about a crotch? *looks down* There it is! A willingness to do anything? I don't know about that, but I think I can muster a willingness for this, because, it's Nick Jonas. Yep, that was a lot easier than I anticipated. FYI, no, I really didn't take a picture. Even if I did, I wouldn't share it with the world.

Thank you, Jonas, for your crotch wisdom.

And just in case you did forget: