'True Detective' Makes Louisiana Look Terrifying

There's just something about a southern draw and a gun that can send chills down your spine, and TV executives know this. On Sunday, the trailer for HBO's new drama True Detective starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey hit the Internet to announce the upcoming eight episode drama that will begin airing in January.
In the less than two minute sneak peek, we see that Woody and Matthew play detectives in Louisiana on the hunt for a serial killer. There's fire, there are motorcycles, there are barely-dressed women dancing on the shores of the bayou. Add in a lot of religious imagery and we're set up for one hell of a southern drama.
The show's website DarknessBecomesYou.com doesn't do much to explain what the hell the show is really about, but it seems to follow Woody and Matthew over a 17 year hunt for the killer who's haunted the creole state. ScreenRant reports:
The series will feature a split narrative jumping between when the case first opens back in 1995, and the present when the two detectives are testifying in court after the case is reopened. Following an anthology vein similar to FX’s cult-thriller American Horror Story, subsequent seasons of the series may feature a new cast and different storylines.
The Killing's Nic Pizzolatto wrote True Detective, so rest assured this dark murder drama comes from experienced hands.