We all knew this day would eventually come, but now that it’s actually here I find myself already having a hard time coping with it. White Collar ’s sixth and final season premiere kicks off Thursday night and I could seriously not be more nostalgic. I mean, it’s bad enough that Benedict Cumberbatch is engaged, but now I’m also expected to say goodbye to the great Neal Caffrey and Peter Burke bromance as well? There’s only so much a girl can take, ya know? But end the series (and bromance) must, so we might as well accept it and try our best to bask in as much White Collar goodness as possible during its final swan song — starting with the Season 6 premiere “Borrowed Time.” (A title that aptly describes what the series is living off of right now.)
Speaking of time, not everyone may be able to find themselves in front of a TV screen during the show’s Thursday night debut, whether it be due to a job, social function, or unfair parole stipulations. (Hey, I don’t know your life.) So just in case you fall into one of those categories and can’t catch the season premiere live, here are the various ways you can watch the episode after the fact and be caught up with everyone else in no time.
Go Straight To the Source
Like any good detective, it’s important to establish who or what is in charge of the information you seek. In this case, that happens to be the USA Network. Luckily for you, they are known for posting episodes of their shows online soon after they air. Simply head over to USANetwork.com, click on the White Collar tab, and you’ll find everything you’re looking for and more. They even have a link to watch the entire fifth season just in case you need a bit of a refresher.
Visiting Hulu is always an option as well, though they wait to post episodes eight days after it originally aired, so those of you fearful of getting spoiled before then, may want to selection another course of action.
Break Out the Benjamins
As Neal Caffrey knows all too well, a problem can usually go away if the right amount of money is involved. Thankfully when dealing with TV episodes, it’s not exactly something that would break the bank. You can buy the episode outright on Amazon, iTunes, or Vudu and be able to watch multiple viewings of the premiere until your heart’s content. And let’s face it — owning a small piece of Matt Bomer is never a bad investment.
Visit On Demand
Depending on your cable provider, On Demand services could possibly be at your disposal. Such is the case for Time Warner users. So even if you can't sit yourself in front of a television the actual night of, at least this gives you the liberty to do so at a time that's right for you.
When All Else Fails — Pull a Neal & Steal It
Just kidding, of course. I don't condone thievery of any kind, even when it’s TV related. However, it’s definitely a tactic Neal would try to pull. So I guess you just have to ask yourself: are you a Neal or a Peter?
May the WiFi be with you!
Images: USA Network; Giphy (4)