Some Great News From The Midterms

Last night's election results were pretty bleak for women and, potentially, the LGBT community (or were they?) — but not all is lost. Among the few Democratic victors Tuesday was Massachusetts' Maura Healey, who has become the first openly gay attorney general in the U.S. Healey defeated her opponent, John Miller (R) by a whopping 24 percent margin. Healey was endorsed by a super PAC focused on pro-choice female candidates, EMILY's List, which aided in pushing her into victory, Huffington Post reports.
According to her website, Healey has a storied background in law, and argued the first successful challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). She's worked to protect the LGBT community, prosecuting hate crimes and helping train police officers on how to help those who have been attacked because of their orientation. She's also worked on several anti-bullying laws, and intends to tackle discrimination in housing and employment based on orientation and sexual identity.
As for her pro-choice stance, Healey is a serious proponent of women's right to choose. Her platform indicated she intends to work with her government to put more regulations on protesters, and increase penalties for those who stalk and harass women outside of abortion clinics.
The new attorney general also has a track record working with the disabled. She argued a landmark case with Apple to make their educational platforms more accessible to the blind. Additionally, she argued a case with Monster to make their website and mobile page accessible for disabled jobseekers. Oh, and that's not all — she also advocates for increased mental health and addiction awareness.
According to her website, Healey is an advocate for gun control, and plans to increase regulations on gun sales and gun owners, including banning private trading not overseen by a licensed gun dealer and increasing requirements for customer background checks.
During her campaign, Healey pulled in a number of major endorsements, including from the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Gloria Steinem, Planned Parenthood, The Human Rights Campaign, The Feminist Majority and several senators.
On the lighter side of things, Healey also previously played as a starting point guard on a professional basketball team, despite only being 5''4. She lives in Charlestown with her partner, and is a very proud aunt.
The LGBT community saw another victory last night after Kansas' gay marriage ban was ruled unconstitutional in federal court, so there's that too.
Images: Facebook/Maura Healey For Attorney General