
Did Harry Styles Hint That He's Bisexual?

by Jamie Primeau

Ever since Taylor Swift's new album dropped, there's been talk about her past relationship with Harry Styles. In fact, fans questioned whether Haylor's love was still going strong. While it's likely that those two are over each other, there's another ever-present question about Styles' love life. Yup, I'm talking about Larry Stylinson — the long-rumored romance between Styles and fellow One Direction member Louis Tomlinson. Regardless of whether that was made up by fans, the point is that we don't really have any conclusive information about what's going on with Styles romantically. Despite the mystery, fans were given a clue about his romantic preferences: Harry Styles may have hinted about being bisexual in a recent video interview.

During an interview with ODE, Styles was asked which four traits he looks for in a girl. Liam Payne was also a part of the conversation and immediately responded, "Female. That's a good trait." As soon as he said that, Styles shrugged off the comment and said, "Not that important." He then laughs, as does Payne. Styles continues, "I would say sense of humor and natural... Someone who's nice. You're not gonna go out with a dickhead, are ya?"

Hmm, let's take a moment to process. This could mean any number of things. He could be saying gender doesn't matter and you love who you love. (A very good point!) Or maybe he was saying it doesn't matter to him, meaning he could be bi, he could be gay, he could be straight. It's also possible that he was just joking about Liam's statement being painfully obvious — that the trait he looks for in a girl is that she is a female.

Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Here's how I see it: This is good news, regardless of what Harry actually meant. No matter how you spin it, it's a pretty awesome statement about how it doesn't matter who you're interested in. Maybe it was a joke. Maybe a misunderstanding. But either way, it's probably the best thing Styles has done in awhile (besides wearing that fantastic cheetah coat in the "Steal My Girl" video). That's because he's telling his millions of young fans that gender isn't important when it comes to love — you should be allowed to love whoever. It's definitely unfair to try to force someone out of the closet (which I sure hope isn't happening here), but it's also unfair to assume all boys like girls. I think the point Styles (albeit possibly inadvertently) raises is a great one.

Even better news? Fans have been reacting with support for the 1D singer no matter what he was really trying to say. This is nice to see, since Directioners sometimes tend to go a bit overboard on Twitter...

If you're not sure what to make of this whole thing, watch the video below. Skip ahead to the 2:20 mark and see for yourself:

Image: Getty Images