Excellent news: It looks like Archer creator Adam Reed is making good on his promise to bring the series back to its roots. The first teaser trailer for Archer season 6 is finally here, and already it looks to be a major improvement on last season's Vice plot, which experimented with the Archer team giving up their professions in the spy world in favor of pushing drugs.
Though it's only about a minute long, it gives us enough clues about what to expect during season 6, proving the show is back in full form: Archer is still a womanizer, Lana (though now a mother) is still a badass, Cyril still wears sweater vests, Pam still loves hot dogs, Cheryl is still a psycho, Ray is still getting injured, and Krieger...well, Krieger is still weird. Also, Malory still looks perpetually displeased with life. Archer, oh how we've missed you.
There is one thing that will be missing from season 6 when it premieres, however, though there's no mention of this in the teaser: As previously reported, Archer writers have decided to drop "ISIS" as the name of the spy organization that Archer, Lana, Malory and co. work at, in light of recent events related to the actual terrorist jihadi group ISIS. Instead, when season 6 returns, Archer and the crew will be working with the CIA instead of their old spy agency.
Anyway, you can check out the teaser below. Archer season 6 will premiere in January 2015 on FX.
Image: FX