Every Cute Guy From 'How To Get Away With Murder' Ranked — Because We Love You
Are you caught up with Thursday night's most tantalizing murder mystery? Watching HTGAWM reminds me of Grey's Anatomy (in the early years) more and more each week. Especially when it comes to the cast. Talk about easy on the eyes! I am a lot closer to this cast in age than I was with Grey's in 2005, but we don't need to focus on that. These kids look pretty good for sleep-deprived grad students. If you asked me "who's the cute guy on How to Get Away with Murder?" I would genuinely have to respond with "which one?" Let's celebrate these dreamboats by ranking them. However, feel free to disagree. You're all pretty, guys!
Image: Todd Wawrychuk/ABC
#10 Lenny Platt as Griffin O'Reilley
The first suspect in the Lila Stangard case, this guy has a nasty ‘tude and seems pretty basic as far as frat bros go. No thank you!
#9 Tom Verica as Sam Keating
“Mr. Darcy” is a good looking dude, and I love the Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf-esque dark banter that takes place in the Keating household. But he’s skeezier than Frank at this point. At least law students are of age, unlike Lila Stangard. Plus, not to speak ill of the dead, but Sam’s not looking too cute these days.
Image: tomverica/Twitter
#8 Eliott Knight as Aidan Walker
We haven’t seen too much of Michaela’s finance, just enough to know that he is pretty popular amongst Annalise’s team. I’m ranking him low just because I sense more lies are coming from this fellow, and deceit is not a good look for anybody.
#7 Charlie Weber as Frank Delfino
I’m sorry. Objectively, Charlie Weber is very attractive. I feel like this may be a controversial move. I just can’t help but be creeped out by Frank and his vests.
#6 Billy Brown as Nate Lahey
Annalise’s jailbird boyfriend earned a whole bunch of points in his very first scene (you know what I’m talking about). It’s too bad that she’s using him. But maybe I love it?
#5 Conrad Ricamora as Oliver the IT Boyfriend
Oliver’s non-relationship relationship with Connor may have hit some rumbles, but that doesn’t mean he’s not cute as a button!
Image: conradricamora/Twitter
#4 Arjan Gupta as Kan the Legal Aid Boyfriend
More like Legal Bae-d, am I right ladies and gentlemen? Stick with this one, Laurel. You don’t need Frank.
#3 Jack Falahee as Connor Walsh
Connor Walsh is rude. Connor Walsh is ruining Christmas Carols left and right. But Connor Walsh has got just the right kind of smarm to draw me in. Congratulations on your face, sir.
Image: jackfalaheeofficial/Instagram
#2 Matt McGorry as Asher Millstone
He’s the most grown up grown-up of all of us! I think this is my quasi-Southern upbringing, but I am a sucker for a preppy white guy who knows how to dance. Seriously, if you didn’t already love him from Orange is the New Black, this solidifies Matt McGorry’s boo status. Plus, he was “Venus, the Goddess of Shipping” for Halloween. Come on!
#1 Alfred Enoch as Wes Gibbons
Remember when everyone made a fuss about Neville growing up the nicest of the Harry Potter boys? Turns out it was little Alfie Enoch all along that won the puberty contest. I don’t know what it is. Is it the fact that he actually looks like a lost puppy, and what’s cuter than a lost puppy? The British accent you know is there? Is it the fact that he would only date Taylor Swift if she rode the bus with him (so… never)? I don’t know, y’all. I do not know.