Have you ever wanted to know more about the beloved Felicity Smoak on Arrow ? Well, we will get the chance during Wednesday's episode, "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak." Not only will we see Felicity in the past and with hacker ex-boyfriend Cooper Seldon (not to be confused with The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper), but we'll also meet Felicity's mother Donna Smoak. Who is this mysterious woman who raised one of our favorite techies ever? Well, Donna may bring trouble and will even showcase Felicity's darker side — literally.
But first things first. Donna is played by NYPD Blue alum Charlotte Ross, and she is a Vegas cocktail waitress. It's safe to say that Felicity and her mom are two very different people, who struggle as a result of their differences. Per Felicity in Season 2's "City of Blood" she shared, "If I had accepted things, I would be a cocktail waitress in Vegas like my mother and I never would have gone to college and I never would have moved a thousand miles away to work at Queen Consolidated." And based on photos from Felicity's life before Starling City and what we know about the episode, that life would've been much darker — in more ways than one.
Like any relationship that isn't all sunshine and rainbows, it can push people to a dark place and show a different side to that person we think we know best. I think that's exactly what we're going to see when Donna unexpectedly arrives in Starling City. Not only will Felicity be thrown for a loop, but I believe fans will see how much Felicity's changed since her adolescent years and MIT days. Based on the above image, Felicity definitely lived darker days, literally, as she once embraced the goth lifestyle (might I add that she totally pulls it off). Also, I'm feeling pretty positive in saying that her relationship with her mother transformed her for the better. Felicity recognized that she wanted a different life, and took things into her own hands, shaping the woman we all know and love.
Did her mother have something to do with her living a "darker" lifestyle? Was it some form of teenage rebellion? Possibly, and I hope we get to see the transition from that time to the positive, caring blonde woman we know today.
In an interview with IGN, Emily Bett Rickards opened up about Felicity's past revealing the character (who she sees as her "best friend") has lived through some dark times. "She has a darker path than I ever wanted to really play with, because I think that makes me a little sad that she's gone through a few really terrible things," Rickards said. So, she did experience trauma? Was said trauma caused by her mother? We'll have to wait and see, but one thing does remain certain. According to Rickards, Felicity and Donna have one thing in common: they both "really, really care" and Felicity inherited her mother's maternal gene. It seems that Donna will also really try with Felicity, which won't go unnoticed.
Rickards also opened up to Entertainment Weekly and said Donna's arrival causes embarrassment for Felicity, and we'll see her somewhat burdened by her mother. Per Rickards, "They’re completely different people. She’s flamboyant, extreme, nurturing, understanding on an emotional level, but a little airy. I would say 99.997 percent different, but their emotional intellect and nurturing ability, their willingness to accept everyone and non-judgmental personality [are the same]." By episode's end, we will see some resolution between the two, but don't assume Donna will learn about Felicity working with the Arrow. She will meet the team, but is kept in the dark, which is probably for the best.
I can't wait to see Felicity's other side, in addition to her interaction with her mother. As an aside: anyone else excited to see Donna meet Oliver? I'm pretty sure she'll give Felicity her blessing to go after Ollie — and his 20-pack. Check out the preview for the episode below.
Images: Cate Cameron/The CW (2); swifterly/Tumblr