Five Ways 'Saw' Can Be Used As a Teaching Tool

According to French radio network Europe 1, a math teacher in Colombes, France was suspended after he screened the "torture porn" horror film Saw in his classroom. According to reports, many of the students in the class were visibly shaken up by the film.
The teacher may receive an even harsher sentence after the investigation into the incident concludes, and we can't help but wonder just what the hell this guy was thinking. Here are some of our theories.
He was trying to teach them math skills.
Perhaps the teacher wanted to use Saw as a visual word problem. "If two men are trapped in a bathroom — and the only way out is to kill the other — how long will it take them to do so?" Unfortunately, we don't remember the theorem for this one.
Saw is Actually a Modern-Day Adaption of Macbeth
...Or some other Shakespearean work that we're not aware of. Hey, Shakespeare's tragedies were all pretty violent. And if Demi Moore's version of The Scarlett Letter can still be considered Nathaniel Hawthorne, then the bar is already set pretty low for film adaptions.
He wanted to punish them for poor exam grades
Not sure how they do it in France, but maybe forcing kids to watch disturbing horror films is the French version of assigning a 10-page paper.
The library didn't have To Kill a Mockingbird on DVD
There's already the word "kill" in the title — how different could they really be?
He's trying to win "Teacher of the Year"
What's cooler than a teacher showing you an R-rated movie in class?! Basically nothing. But have fun with those nightmares, kids.
Image: Twisted Pictures