'Shark Tank' Halloween Costume Ideas that the Sharks Should Seriously Invest In
When a holiday is just around the corner in the real world, Shark Tank usually features some festive products from budding entrepreneurs. However, it doesn't look like any of the products for the Oct. 31 Shark Tank episode will showcase anything Halloween-related. That's probably for the best, since it's kind of a toss-up as to whether or not the sharks will be into seasonal products because they tend to not be able to make money off them all year round.
Plus, the sharks are so busy, who knows if they even have time to celebrate Halloween? One hopes that they do, but they still probably don't have much time to spare to put together a killer costume. Luckily, they don't need to, because they have me. I have taken the liberty of coming up with a wicked outfit perfect for each of the sharks to wear this Halloween. And no, they're not negotiable.
Image: Michael Desmond/ABC
Mark Cuban as Oscar the Grouch from 'Sesame Street'
I would be surprised if Mark Cuban celebrated Halloween at all, but if he does, everyone’s favorite curmudgeon Oscar the Grouch would be a perfect match for him. I’m not saying Mark smells or has bad hygiene or anything. All I’m saying is that Mark is by far the grouchiest shark, even more so than Mr. Wonderful. He rarely participates in any of the demonstrations, and he hates putting on any wacky get-ups that the entrepreneurs bring in for the sharks to try on. If Mark isn’t making money, he just seems bothered, so Oscar the Grouch is most definitely his spirit animal.
Images: Bob D’Amico/ABC; Getty Images
Kevin O'Leary as the Grim Reaper
Though he keeps trying to get us to refer to him as Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary should really be called Mr. Death. He’s the bearer of bad news for any aspiring entrepreneur in the Shark Tank, and his deals always seem so sinister, you don’t know whether to trust him or not. Plus, he loves telling entrepreneurs “You’re dead to me” whenever they don’t take one of said deals or listen to his advice. This costume could not be any more perfect for him.
Images: Bob D’Amico/ABC; Getty Images
Lori Greiner as Ariana Grande
Remember when Lori Greiner would always wear her hair up in a high ponytail just like a certain famous pop star these days? Well, Lori has let her hair down this season, but what better time to simultaneously get nostalgic and dress up like a rising star who probably stole your look than on Halloween? Lori also seems extremely sweet and kind at first, but we’ve seen her go for the jugular to get what she wants. That reminds me a little of Ariana Grande’s rumored behavior too.
Images: Logan Alexander/ABC; Getty Images
Robert Herjavec as a Hyperactive Dog
It’s no secret that Robert Herjavec loves dogs. Whenever a cute pooch enters the Shark Tank, it somehow always makes its way into Robert’s arms. Robert is also just as energetic as a dog, always the first one to volunteer to participate in demonstrations, and he is seemingly very excited about each product that comes into the Tank. Let’s just throw this guy a bone and call it a day.
Images: Bob D’Amico/ABC; OakleyOriginals/Flickr
Barbara Corcoran as a Waitress
Like many of the sharks, Barbara Corcoran often reminds us of her rags-to-riches story on the show. Once a waitress at a diner in Fort Lee, N.J., Corcoran received $1,000 from her future boyfriend and business partner, which helped her jumpstart her career in real estate. Barbara’s waitress costume will not only be a nod to her professional journey, but also take her back to her youth.
Image: Bob D’Amico/ABC; Getty Images
Daymond John as Bill Clinton
On the show, Daymond John will often say “That’s a Slick Willie move” to refer to entrepreneurs who seem like they’re withholding information or generally have an air of sketchiness. You know whose nickname was also “Slick Willie”? The 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. Clearly, they are soulmates.
Images: Bob D’Amico/ABC; Getty Images