Still looking for the perfect costume for you and your boo? I have to say "boo," because Emma Swan already had a Bae(lfire). Too soon? Sorry. Are you a Once Upon a Time fan? Looking for a hip couples costume? I don't think anything could be cuter than dressing as Hook and Emma Swan this Halloween. Not only is their relationship blossoming before our eyes on television, but they are two iconic characters in their own right.
OUAT has made some odd choices over the years, but we should forever be grateful to it for giving us the hero that is Emma Swan. I was fascinated by this choice to make Captain Killian "Hook" Jones a romantic lead, as the character has been seen as a metaphor for fatherhood. You definitely get that in Hook, and in the original stage production of Peter Pan the actor who plays Hook also plays Mr. Darling. It's all very Freudian, so I like this twist on that. I also love that the two of them together is shades of "what might have been" between Elizabeth Swan and Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, but that might just be me. If you just like shipping them without reading too much into everything, that's OK too!
Not only is this costume sure to gross out all your friends with how sweet you are, it's pretty easy to accomplish between now and Friday. A dig through your own closet and a quick, cheap shopping trick should do the trick!
Emma Swan
The great thing about Emma Swan is that she's a no nonsense gal who kind of wears the same thing every day. It makes for an easy Halloween costume. First, you'll need a tank top and skinny jeans. Maybe curl your hair, but that depends on your mood. Complain about being the Savior and make sure you take cinnamon in your cocoa. Then, add these items to complete the look.
Red Leather Jacket
Red Leather Jacket, $32, Forever 21
This is Emma Swan's signature piece, and you can snag a nice imitation at Forever 21. She also wears leather jackets in brown, black, blue, and purple, if you happen to have one of those already in your closet.
Riding Boots
Women's Journee Selection Slouch Boots, $43, Target
If you already have knee-length boots in black or brown, don't spend your money. If not, this is a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and do some fall boot shopping. Target has riding boots for cheap and the options are endless.
Short Necklace, $2, H&M
Emma usually wears at least one necklace to accessorize her tough outfit, like this one from H&M. If you have a little bit more time, you can order a replica of Emma's swan necklace on Etsy for a good price.
Finishing Touch
Elope Sheriff Star Badge, $11, Amazon
Of course, you need a Sheriff badge to stylishly clip to your belt. Grab this one from Amazon or poke around your local Halloween store.
Killian Jones
Since Halloween is fast upon us, I suggest that Hook wannabes go for his recent Storybrooke makeover — unless you happen to have access to a leather duster. You'll need a dark dress shirt, black pants, and the accessories listed below. Make sure they look worn and comfy. Pirates abhor pressed suits.
Biker Jacket
Biker Jacket, $35, H&M
Killian Jones didn't change his look all that much. It's important that you get a double-vested leather jacket for Hook, because you don't want to be confused for Will Scarlet. H&M has got you covered.
A Red Vest
Men's Formal Red Vest, $20, Amazon
We haven't seen a red vest on him yet in Storybrooke, but I think something like this from Amazon would be a nice homage to Killian Jones' traditional attire. It will also compliment your "Emma" companion. Or just go with a black vest.
The Necklace
Hook's Necklace and Earrings, $19, Cissy Pixie
Emma and Hook really are kindred spirits, now that I put all of these items together. Just like Swan, you can buy a replica of Killian Jones' pirate necklace online — it even comes with earrings! In a pinch, you can buy a cross (across from where?) necklace at most jewlery/gift stores and call it a day. Any rings you can borrow from friends or family are a plus as well.
Or "guyliner," if you will. You gotta have it. For something this basic, I like Sephora brand, and they have travel sizes.
The Hook
Pirate Hook, $8, Amazon
The finishing touch, of course. Simple enough. If you can't find one in a Halloween store, Amazon's got a classy looking one. Really stretched for time? Grab a flower and go as Killian in that one episode where he was Captain Hand.
Images: Eike Schroter/ABC; previouslytheyellowbug, colinodonorgasm/Tumblr; Forever 21; Target; H&M; Amazon (3); Sephora; Classic Pixie