17 Sexy Halloween Costumes That Shouldn't Exist — Sorry, Sexy Walter White
Halloween is my favorite holiday for many, many reasons. The over-the-top parties, the candy, the pumpkin beer, and the fact that for one night a year, everyone turns into a theater kid. It's a pretty magical time. Unfortunately there is one thorn in the side of all my spooky merriment — the unnecessary overload of sexy Halloween costumes. It seems like every year the spandex industry outdoes itself with tacky outfits that are horrifying for reasons other than blood and gore.
At this point, I've almost seen it all from sexy Olaf to SEXY EBOLA HAZMAT SUITS. I wish I could say that I'm kidding, but I'm not. I guess there's nothing sexier than a beloved children's cartoon snowman and a truly devastating outbreak of a highly contagious disease. Way to go, universe.
Some costumes are laughable while others are just downright offensive. Let's take a look at some of the worst of the worst...IF YOU DARE!
Image: Yandy
Sexy Mickey Mouse
Well childhood, it’s been nice knowing you. What’s even more perplexing about this Mickey Mouse costume is that they call it ”Sexy Tux and Ears Costume.”
Image: Yandy
Sexy Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus is already an outrageous choice for a halloween costume. But something about this drunk and horny-looking “Twerkin Costume” just doesn’t feel right.
Image: Yandy
Sexy Princess Leia
Oh why WHY would you do this to Princess Leia? What would Liz Lemon have to say about this? And just in case you weren’t offended enough, this little gem is called “Deluxe Space Slave.”
Image: Yandy
Sexy Hamburglar
And you thought Sexy Ronald McDonald was weird! Don’t get me wrong, hamburgers are totally sexy. But sexualizing a children’s happy meal character is not only creepy, but promotes poor nutrition!
Image: Yandy
Sexy Walter White
Jesse is already sexy enough in his own totally effed-up way. BUT SEXY METH COOK? Come on! Walter White would be spinning in his grave…and that’s saying a lot for a murderous druglord.
Image: HalloweenCostumes.com
Sexy Alex
Just when you thought A Clockwork Orange couldn’t be more insane and uncomfortable than it already is…
Image: Yandy
Sexy Link From 'Zelda'
Oh come on! They even made Link sexy! How can you even go about a mythical adventure in such binding attire?
Image: Yandy
Sexy Ghostbusters Uniform
When there’s somethin’ strange in the neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? OFFENSIVELY SEXIST GHOSTBUSTERS!
I can’t wait for the all-female reboot to happen and have costumes like these erased from my memory.
Image: Yandy
Sexy Miley Cyrus & Robin Thicke
In case you didn’t hate the Miley/Thicke Twerk-Gate enough.
Image: Yandy
Sexy Patrick From 'SpongeBob SquarePants'
Nothing says “sexy” quite like an oafy cartoon starfish, AMIRIGHT?