17 Britney Spears' Magazine Covers From The Early '00s That Are Just Everything
I devoured every magazine that Britney Spears' face appeared on in the early '00s, and, if I'm being honest, I still do today. (Once a diehard Britney fan, always a diehard Britney fan.) But upon looking back on some of Spears' more iconic magazine covers, I can't help but feel that they were just a tad ridiculous. (I mean, really — did every other shoot have to be naughty Lolita-themed?) Ridiculous or not, these throwback covers are bound to whip up some serious feelings of nostalgia for Brit. Here are some of the most ridiculous covers of the '00s.
Britney on 'Twist'
Spears was just a teenager when this Twist photo was taken, and she looks every bit her age. (Note: Twist very clearly did not know any of Ricky Martin’s real “sizzling secrets.”)
Image: Twist
Britney on 'EW'
Spears and Justin Timberlake were dating when this Entertainment Weekly cover came out, and look! She can hang with his friends!
Image: Entertainment Weekly
Britney on 'Rolling Stone'
Can we please talk about how gross it was that Rolling Stone wanting to get inside the bedroom of a teenage girl?
Image: Rolling Stone
Britney on 'Elle Girl'
Spears is making the weirdest face ever here, but at least she’s wearing clothes.
Image: Elle Girl via BritOnline
Britney on 'EW'
The first sign of partying from the pop sensation and she had already been slapped as “nobody’s angel.” Not sure if this cover is ironic or just kind of misleading.
Image: Entertainment Weekly
Britney on 'YM'
This is painfully ridiculous. There are no words.
Image: YM
Britney on 'Teen People'
Hey, Brit, how would Justin Timberlake feel about you hanging out with Nick Carter, his (I’m assuming) natural enemy?
Image: Teen People
Britney on 'Cosmo'
Remember when wearing someone else’s face on your shirt was the cool thing to do?
Image: Cosmopolitan
Britney on 'Rolling Stone'
Spears got sexy for Rolling Stone yet again, this time, sans top. At least they didn’t make any jailbait references.
Image: Rolling Stone
Britney on 'Teen People'
Aww, remember when TRL was a thing?
Britney on 'Cleo'
Outside of Spears’ highlights the most dated thing about this cover is that it suggests we fantasize about Colin Farrell.
Image: Cleo
Britney on 'People'
Should magazine covers really be suggesting that Spears got too sexy too soon? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what sold most magazines in the early ’00s.
Image: People Magazine
Britney on 'Elle'
Spears looks like a pretty, terrified wood nymph on this Elle cover.
Image: Elle
Britney on 'Rolling Stone'
In a surprising twist, Rolling Stone shows Spears with as little clothing as possible.
Image: Rolling Stone
Britney on 'Allure'
At least Allure showed off her cute cropped cut.
Image: Allure
Britney on 'Blender'
I don’t know who is on the cover of Blender, but it isn’t Britney Spears. We all remember what she looked like in 2008, and it wasn’t a Barbie doll/cyborg hybrid.
Image: Blender
Britney on 'Rolling Stone'
It only took nine years, but Rolling Stone finally decided to put Spears in a top.
Image: Rolling Stone