Baby bangs are cute (and apparently really trendy right now), but I'm not going to lie and say everyone should rock them. Getting bangs in general is a big commitment, and they require tons of maintenance and styling tricks. This version of bangs in particular is an incredibly difficult look to pull off. Beyonce debuted her baby bangs and the consensus was that they are not her best coif choice. Her former duet partner Lady Gaga often rocks baby bangs and just showed the polarizing look off the style again. Paramore punk cutie Hayley Williams has also rocked 'em. But here's the thing: Most of us are not Bey, Gaga, or Hayley, with a style squads that can fix baby bangs gone wrong with extensions, wigs, or other elaborate tricks and tools. Most of us would have to wait rather impatiently to grow 'em out, living with them for at least several weeks if they turned out to be a colossal, epic mistake.
So essentially, baby bangs are like a marriage — an arrangement not to be entered into lightly or without careful consideration, especially if you aren't a massive superstar. I know when I get bang trims, I like to go above brow and a little shorter, since it's youthful, but anything more and I would go into panic mode. That short little fringe just feels way too scary.
Here are five key things to consider when wondering if you can do or pull off baby bangs.
1. Keep It Streamlined
While Hayley Williams can rock bright orange Vitamin C hair and she could dye the baby bangs black if she wanted, you probably shouldn't. Since the bangs are short and extreme, try to keep the rest of your hair streamlined and uniform or you end up looking like a tryhard or too punk rock or even too teenage. Don't do two-tone baby bangs, unless you're trying to get a rise out of your parents.
2. Work With Your Hair, Not Against It
Your texture, cut, shape, and length have to factor into baby bangs. If you have shaggy layers, are really short, straight, or rolled-like-Bettie Page bangs going to work for you? Probably not, since the texture and shape are too disparate and could end up looking disheveled. If you have straight and long layers, that might be a better option. Oh and curly girls? Just like with all bangs, you can forget about it unless you're willing to put tons of extra time into your morning beauty routine.
3. Think Of Your Face Shape
Baby bangs open up your forehead in addition to spotlighting your eyes. So you are showing off more of your lovely visage, but be sure to think about your overall face shape. If you are have a square face with a strong jaw like Demi Moore, or a heart shape face like Reese Witherspoon, baby bangs might create sharper angles or more length than you'd like.
4. Don't Do It Yourself, Please!
If you want to go with baby bangs, even if you desire the more adventurous ones with jagged edges that look like you did them yourself, it's best left to the expert hands of stylist. You could make a serious mess. Don't play home hairstylist, thank you.
5. They Will Grow Back
Finally, don't let overthinking it stop you if you want to try something fresh, edgy, and new. Despite all my warnings, just remember: It's only hair and it will grow back. This look posted above is beyond awesome, but it's not for everyone. If you do it and hate it, don't panic too hard. It's temporary. Just know you might have to bring headbands back into your life.